Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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You mean like using a wheelbarrow of radioactive material that could potentially kill dozens of innocent people in such a public place like a hotel? You must be absolutely kidding me! That kind of murder is well over the top to get rig of a traitor.

You on drugs? It was a tiny pellet put in his food as far as we know. Where do you get this crazy notion of a

..wheelbarrow of radioactive material that could potentially kill dozens of innocent people in such a public place like a hotel..

It has also been speculated that the US used these methods to get rid of South American leaders they did not like. Would the US/UK used a pellet of Material to get rid of a fugitive spy. Of course. The ends justify the means as far as they are concerned.
It's the US State Department's/CIA's war if anyone's. They were in control of the coup leaders, still are, and one day after the CIA leader's visit to Kiev, Poroshenko announced the use of the military against "terrorists" (aka freedom fighters, and women and children) in the east, without any reproof from the US or Britain. Hence anyone who isn't willfully blind can see that was what they wanted. So it's their ugly war, not anyone else's, and Ukrainians are the sacrificial pawns to hurt Russia with (while Russia continues to supply gas to Ukraine without which they'd freeze because Britain and America certainly aren't offering their own gas to Ukraine).

You would have needed to coordinate very closely between Nemtsov and the car… It is clear that it was a very sophisticated and professional killing,” according to security expert Andrei Soldatov. Up to 15 people working in three teams could have been involved, he said.

Instead, the assassin apparently hid in a stairwell leading off down from a bridge. As Mr Nemtsov passed, the killer emerged and began shooting at Mr Nemtsov’s back, killing him with four pistol rounds. He then hurriedly climbs into an arriving getaway car, and is driven away.
The new details confirm the high levels of preparation required for the attack, which both Russian investigators and President Vladimir Putin have said has all the hallmarks of a contract killing. Opposition politicians claim it may have been the work of the Kremlin, of which Mr Nemtsov was a prominent critic.

danny75 said:
and Ukrainians are the sacrificial pawns to hurt Russia with (while Russia continues to supply gas to Ukraine without which they'd freeze because Britain and America certainly aren't offering their own gas to Ukraine).
you are aware russia has threatened to cut the gas several times in the past when ukraine has done things they didn't like and now desperately need any money they get, going as far as demanding prepayment? its not humanitarian, they need the money. Its also the only way they can provide gas to the donbass region as these things go's through large central hubs.
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Before the Iron Curtain fell, the Soviets used the Bulgarians to do all their overseas wet work. As efficient as Mossad, but much cheaper.

4 bullets in the back surrounded by witnesses sounds like amateur hour in comparison,
It's the US State Department's/CIA's war if anyone's. They were in control of the coup leaders, still are, and one day after the CIA leader's visit to Kiev, Poroshenko announced the use of the military against "terrorists" (aka freedom fighters, and women and children) in the east, without any reproof from the US or Britain. Hence anyone who isn't willfully blind can see that was what they wanted. So it's their ugly war, not anyone else's, and Ukrainians are the sacrificial pawns to hurt Russia with (while Russia continues to supply gas to Ukraine without which they'd freeze because Britain and America certainly aren't offering their own gas to Ukraine).

In a purely theoretical sense wouldn't surprise me at all - the US has the most to gain from Europe and Russia facing off, keeping both weak reduces any potential long term threat (economic or military) to the US and props up their economy selling arms to Europe and getting in on any recovery contracts i.e. building work.
Who benefits from his death?

The general contrary view is putin. he serves a warning to the pro ukrainian parts of russia by knocking off a previously protected yeltsin era golden boy and a figure head of the protest section of society. He was producing a document on russian involvement in ukraine but his laptop has been taken by the services after his death, so depends if he has copies in regards to that and who has them.

It could be personal but the details appearing dont exactly seem like a crime of passion.

putin is blaming - islamists, pro ukrainians, the girl he was with or anyone wanting to destabilise russia by killing one of their own as a way of getting at the kremlin.

4 bullets in the back surrounded by witnesses sounds like amateur hour in comparison,
only the traffic and the girl are witnesses. its not amateur by accounts of the video released. It is in the very centre of the capital.

Rroff said:
the US has the most to gain from Europe and Russia facing off
the US wouldn't be a side viewer. they are central in Nato and have troops in most countries involved. Russia is not a economic threat to the USA (thats why they are pivoting to the far east) and militarily previous to this debacle were actually pulling out of the area and reducing NATO operations.

I would agree if either a limping europe or a one trick country like russia posed a threat but very basically USA policy for the last decade was "pull out of the old battle ground and lets contain the chinese"
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you are aware russia has threatened to cut the gas several times in the past when ukraine has done things they didn't like and now desperately need any money they get, going as far as demanding prepayment? its not humanitarian, they need the money.

Considering the unpaid billions Ukraine owes Russia for previous gas I would call it humanitarian as you can bet that if it wouldn't result in millions of deaths on the news they would cut supplies in a heartbeat.
Considering the unpaid billions Ukraine owes Russia for previous gas I would call it humanitarian as you can bet that if it wouldn't result in millions of deaths on the news they would cut supplies in a heartbeat.

2.3 billion for gas. Its worth noting they are supplying rebel areas and then charging ukraine for area's it no longer holds, its economic warfare to cripple ukraine and getting money for their own damaged economy.

It is not humanitarian. they didn't give a damn about millions of people freezing in Jan 2006 when they shut it off. didnt they cut it off in june last year as well?

Interestingly also...
Ukraine intended to import less gas in 2010 as a result of reduced industry needs because of its economic recession; however, Gazprom insisted that Ukraine fulfill its contractual obligations and purchase the previously agreed upon quantities of gas
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you are aware russia has threatened to cut the gas several times in the past when ukraine has done things they didn't like

Yes, like not pay the bills on time (a regular occurrence), and make war upon Russian-speaking/ethnic people in the Donbass. These are perfectly justifiable motives. If you're aware of other reasons, please state them so I can see whether or not they are justified.

and now desperately need any money they get, going as far as demanding prepayment? its not humanitarian, they need the money.

They desperately need the sanctions to end, too. That doesn't mean they will bow down to Washington to end them. It would certainly not be the end of Russia if they stopped supplying gas to Ukraine.
The symptoms seen in Litvinenko appeared consistent with an administered activity of approximately 2 GBq (50 mCi) which corresponds to about 10 micrograms of 210Po. That is 200 times the median lethal dose of around 238 μCi or 50 nanograms in the case of ingestion.

There may be a little bit of confusion here.

There was a previous assassination where a small pellet was used to poison a dissident in London by the Bulgarians

The radioactive material used in Litvinenko was most likely a liquid, from a small vial, put in his tea. The reality is it wasn't much of a risk to anyone but the target as it's an alpha emitter which needs to be inside the body. As your wiki link states...

An alpha-emitting substance can cause significant damage only if ingested or inhaled, acting on living cells like a short-range weapon.

Why use so much? To make sure it works, especially after the first attempt failed (he was ill but didn't die).
the US has the most to gain from Europe and Russia facing off
That wouldn't make sense, US needs EU strong. China is the rising dragon, Russia is about to collapse economically soon if they carry on invading Ukraine.

Yes, like not pay the bills on time (a regular occurrence), and make war upon Russian-speaking/ethnic people in the Donbass. These are perfectly justifiable motives. If you're aware of other reasons, please state them so I can see whether or not they are justified.
You must be trolling and well paid for posting obvious BS lad. War upon Russian community in Donbass was made up excuse to send little green men and destabilise the region. The same story as in Crimea (which Comrade Putin admitted after annexation himself).
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2.3 billion for gas. Its worth noting they are supplying rebel areas and then charging ukraine for area's it no longer holds, its economic warfare to cripple ukraine and getting money for their own damaged economy.

It's worth noting they still owe 2.3bn of the 4.5bn they owed last year, having paid off 1.45bn and the EU acting as guarantor for another 1.65 to make sure the gas stays flowing.

However as far as them supplying gas to rebel areas and charging Kiev, that's not how the network works, the rebel areas are actually supplied by the Ukrainian hub which is supplied by Russia, the reason Kiev is still supplying gas to the rebels is because when they cut it off Russia threw the toys out of the pram so they turned it back on to avoid anything that could make them look like bad guys in case Russia decided the east needed some US style "freedom".
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