No, at that point northern Ukraine was actually part of Poland.
My partner is Polish and her grandmother spits on the ground at the mere mention of Ukrainians. She told me a story about how her entire village was destroyed by Ukrainian nationalists as part of the Volhynian slaughter and how she had to flee with her mother (father was killed) towards the German lines. They survived after being rescued by German soldiers.
She's a very interesting old lady.
Yup you're right. Bunch of nationalist scum. Glad she made it to safety.
Old people in tarnishing entire nations with the same brush non-shocker.
ROFL why did arek the sexy lady get perma-banned? I'd like to think that it's something to do with him being a paid Kremlin troll so I'll just assume that.
Its hard to process when "safety" meant going over to the nazi soldiers
compared to some of the Soviets, some of the Germans were white knights....
Anyone following the trial of Ukrainian Officer Nadia Savchenko. Brave lady, love that righteous defiance, hope she gets returned home soon but I fear the Kremlin Kangaroo Court will want to make an example of her.
Anyone following the trial of Ukrainian Officer Nadia Savchenko. Brave lady, love that righteous defiance, hope she gets returned home soon but I fear the Kremlin Kangaroo Court will want to make an example of her.
I thought the BBC were such a lefty liberal biased new source that they don't warrant using?
The difference between us is I don't criticise Breitbart then use it when it suits me.
You just dismiss it out of hand even though it's about the only independent conservative news source out there. Even Russia Today has its uses - if it's reporting about a typhoon in the Philippines then it's probably as good as anywhere for journalistic reporting. If it's reporting about something in Ukraine - considerably less so. You'd be a fool to dismiss it completely as a useful news source.
Honesty abounds in the usa press corps lately truthfulish piece from salon.
Or you're just a hypocrite
Or you're just a hypocrite
And same thing, on what basis are you validating the honesty of this news article compared to any other piece - apart from it matches your own view point of course.
So are you diputing the the Salon report, if so take it up with them bud.