No it went.
Russia invaded took Crimea.
Russia invaded took the Donbass region.
Russia threatened Ukraine and the west and put over 100,000 troops on the border with Ukraine, why do they need to exercise bang on the border region with a country they are fighting !?
Russia wants all nato troops out of Poland and all eastern European countries and threatened Finland and Sweden.
So no, it's pretty much 110% one sided, unless we just let Putin do what he wants?
I mean, if you're going to twist/omit facts then yes it would look 110% one sided >.>
To answer your points though:
No Russia didn't invade and take Crimea, their troops were already there (as part of an agreement with Ukraine) when the 2014 coup in Ukraine took place and the Crimean government took the opportunity to secede from Ukraine and hold a public vote on re-joining Russia (which passed, and Russia accepted). Now valid arguments can be made on both sides about whether Crimea should have done it, and whether Russia should have agreed to their request but it's a bit unfair to blame it on Russia when it was caused as a direct result of the Ukrainian coup, and Russia were by no means the cause of that. (
NB: My personal thought on it are that Crimea should have waited after seceding before holding a vote on reunification, as the Russian presence would have stopped Ukraine from re-annexing the region so they had time to invite independent/UN/etc observers in to validate the result was genuine).
No Russia didn't invade and take the Donbass region, if they had done they would either have held or still hold the Donbass region, it wouldn't be mostly held by Ukrainian loyalists with Russian backed/armed/supplied rebels holding small territory in the far east. It should be noted that the rebel self proclaimed "republics" have repeatedly asked to join Russia and been repeatedly told no (
NB: My personal thought on that last note is that Russia's refusals probably have less to do with caring about right/wrong and more due to such actions not having the international law precedent that Crimea's secession/reunification did, as self determination is easier to proclaim when you have an actual government and a history as a sovereign region/republic).
Firstly the troops/exercise weren't "bang on the border" (to put it in non-sensationalist perspective the British army hold training exercises in Britain that are closer to France that the exercise in question was to Ukraine). Secondly the reason they held the exercise in that part of Russia is because they have been doing so for decades, Ukraine even used to send forces to take part. It's never been a problem until the media started hyping it as one (which is what caused politicians to snowball this entire farcical standoff).
Your completely correct on your last point however and Russia are being flat out retarded if they think NATO will agree to pulling back troops (maybe they know this and are making crazy demands so they can fall back to their real demands and look like they gave ground?). Threatening Finland/Sweden not to join NATO is another dumb move, however the threat was basically "if you make yourselves a threat to us we will treat you as such" which is kind of understandable, but if they want to deter them from joining NATO they are going about it totally the wrong way. (
NB: The funny thing is that even if NATO pulled all troops out of Poland and kicked Poland out of NATO it wouldn't matter because it would still be an EU state and if Russia invaded it would instantly be at war with the EU, most of which are in NATO xD).