Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Putin army when he going to say enough is enough and let's stop all this waste of life.

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Putin army when he going to say enough is enough and let's stop all this waste of life.

It is weird what equipment is in plentiful supply and what is in extremely short supply for the Russian forces - you'd think a basic shovel or some kind of trench digging tool they'd have plenty of. From what I can make out there seems to be some kind of expectation they can easily scrounge up something for digging in the field.
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It is weird what equipment is in plentiful supply and what is in extremely short supply for the Russian forces - you'd think a basic shovel or some kind of trench digging tool they'd have plenty of. From what I can make out there seems to be some kind of expectation they can easily scrounge up something for digging in the field.
The shovels were sold on to Africa
Putin army when he going to say enough is enough and let's stop all this waste of life.

It's almost like Russia are trying to wipe out some of their conscripts at this stage. There was speculation that it would be cheaper to kill off prison inmates than to house them in prison.

UK gov says:

  1. Any image of Prisoners of War (POWs) as identifiable individuals should normally be regarded as subjecting such individuals to public curiosity and should not be transmitted, published or broadcast. Where the specific circumstances of a case make it necessary in the public interest to reveal the identity of a POW (e.g. because of the person’s seniority, or because the person is a fugitive from international justice) great care should be taken to protect the person’s human dignity.
  2. Images of POWs individually or in groups in circumstances which undermine their public dignity, should not normally be transmitted, published or broadcast. In the exceptional circumstances where such images are transmitted, for example, to bring to public attention serious violations of international humanitarian law, individual identities must be protected.
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Is that the same Geneva convention where your not meant to take people into sellers and torture them and god knows what else ?

If so then a picture is fair game.
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