Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Dialog should and will have always been on the table.

The answer is simple, leave Ukraine including Crimea.

Now take your rag tag army of misfits and go home to lick your wounds, while the West continues to cripple you economically.

I want Russia to go home with their tail between their legs, but yeah... diplomacy should always be an option if possible. Hate helps no one.
Diplomacy in this case is Russia rebuilding their military forces and going again for another slice of the pie come 5 years time
I absolutely agreee. Think I said it before (maybe it was a comment on twitter I made though), that if you give them an inch, they will consider it a win. They will then do as you say, re-arm... and do it all over again. They don't want peace, they just want Ukraine, Georgia then next and next etc. They are literally the colonial people they claim the West is.
Oooof, you can feel the anger and tension in the air in the voices of those Ukrainians. They lucky they surrendered
Don't you mean Russians? These are Russian's who surrendered. Unless you are implying this is staged with Ukrainians acting as Russians?
Don't you mean Russians? These are Russian's who surrendered. Unless you are implying this is staged with Ukrainians acting as Russians?

I didn't see any lips moving so I assume it was Ukrainian voices behind the camera lambasting the Russians standing there in front of the camera
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Love looking at the ZOKA user and similar peeps on twitter. He would make you believe Russia is winning if you didn't look at other sources... like actual ground taken LMAO.
They been taped to show non hostile?
Quite possibly, non hostile and presumable checked for weapons.

It looks like they've also uses the tape to bind their hands to some degree, although probably more symbolic/indicative than really secure as I doubt the tape is that strong.
Love looking at the ZOKA user and similar peeps on twitter. He would make you believe Russia is winning if you didn't look at other sources... like actual ground taken LMAO.
Lmao yeah his twitter is nuts, he has posts where he is actually happy over them using S400's against small drones lol, people in the comments hoping its an American RQ4.

Absolute nut cakes.

I've even seen a post of his of drone dropped grenades, he states its Ukranians getting blown up but the video is actually a Ukrainian drone dropping on Russians in Bakhmut. The dude is shameless and the people that read it lap it up because they have brain rot and cant even do basic due diligence.

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Dialog should and will have always been on the table.

The answer is simple, leave Ukraine including Crimea.

Now take your rag tag army of misfits and go home to lick your wounds, while the West continues to cripple you economically.
I'd love that to happen and I think that given time Ukraine could achieve it. I am concerned though that the cost would be too great - both Ukraine and Russia share a similar demographic problem of having too few people of a productive working age and a shrinking population. This war is killing the young men and women that Ukraine (and Russia) really need for their futures and creating a group of survivors which my need life long support.

I can't see Ukraine settling for any less than the starting position as the very minimum and in the current enviroment suggest a better deal should be possible - maybe demand NATO membership to ensure a long term peace.
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Dialog should and will have always been on the table.

The answer is simple, leave Ukraine including Crimea.

Now take your rag tag army of misfits and go home to lick your wounds, while the West continues to cripple you economically.

I doubt Ukraine would have turned down an actual substantial approach for negotiations - they are just making it difficult for Russia to mess them about and waste their time and/or game negotiations for battlefield means.
I absolutely agreee. Think I said it before (maybe it was a comment on twitter I made though), that if you give them an inch, they will consider it a win. They will then do as you say, re-arm... and do it all over again. They don't want peace, they just want Ukraine, Georgia then next and next etc. They are literally the colonial people they claim the West is.
Re-arm not so quick Russia (needs money) not sending any gas to Europe and all we are doing now is trying to stop dependence on Russian gas.
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