Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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From the start the Russians have not learnt anything ; AFU have adapted, once the huge supply of modern equipment, and the RPG on every soldier stopped the armoured advance from Belarus. But it was obvious from day 1 - unsupported armour dies on any battlefield. That was true in 1918 and its just as true today.
Today's British Defence Intelligence update
AFU have blended nato and russian fighting styles into their own ; NCO`s make decisions on a tactical but so do top down commands; combined arms with close intergration was worked just as well as it did in 1991 then 2003 against soviet style battle commands, even withouth air supremecy. Yes AFU are taking significant loses, but they are still counter offensive in the south.
Given that we don't know if that picture is a single snapshot in time or some "aggregated results" over a time window and the reports of small motor boats being used to get across the river, perhaps many of those signals in the water could be repeated crossings by small boats with troops trying to retreat?
Are they crossing in small boats? Or amphibious vehicles or something here? Or is it just an artefact in the data?
Cellular triangulation is accurate to a few metres when the target phone has an active connection. In an idle state the system might be showing the location of phones when they detached from the network.

“Detach” being the last signal a phone sends to the serving network when it powers off.
Got a horrible feeling the Russians are pulling out of Kherson for a reason. All the public Russian announcements of a retreat look far too theatrical.

I fear they've left a dirty bomb behind.
Got a horrible feeling the Russians are pulling out of Kherson for a reason. All the public Russian announcements of a retreat look far too theatrical.

I fear they've left a dirty bomb behind.
"Ukraine accidentally nukes itself"
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