Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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It's great to see, ultimately Russia army is corrupt there is no consideration for troops they are not looked after well.

It only going one way and ultimately there downfall, as I said before each day pressure will grow on Putin as Ukraine takes more land back.

Only hope if your Russia is you come back stronger using the harsh winter as your cushion.
It's great to see, ultimately Russia army is corrupt there is no consideration for troops they are not looked after well.

It only going one way and ultimately there downfall, as I said before each day pressure will grow on Putin as Ukraine takes more land back.

Only hope if your Russia is you come back stronger using the harsh winter as your cushion.
I’ve thought this in recent days, vlad seems exceptionally quiet lately from the posturing of recent months.
I do find it odd that the two military leaders remain remarkably in place but then again they effectively control one of the vying factions and Putin can't afford to weaken one to appease others as that would definitely lead to his fall.
I find it hilarious that RT's headline is was no lost equipment and no loss of life. LMAO.

Video after video of equipment being left for example.
This is the Russian army. They don't care about their own troops.

I refer you to my comment above.

Sure they don't but the troops themselves do. We've already seen instances of fragging/desertions. Maybe they've left saboteurs behind but given the population is overwhelmingly pro-Ukraine it'd be difficult for them to hide, and I bet the locals will be more than happy to hand out some vigilante justice if they catch them :eek:.
Kherson voted to join Russia, yeah right.... lol

They should hold immediate elections on whether the people of Kherson want to rejoin Ukraine and when Putin complains that it's a fake election they can go....
I do find it odd that the two military leaders remain remarkably in place but then again they effectively control one of the vying factions and Putin can't afford to weaken one to appease others as that would definitely lead to his fall.

They've run out of people to throw out of windows, it's either them or the tea boy to be next general.

I feel like watching Death of Starlin again just to remind me how small minded and stupid the Russian top brass can be
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Destroyed the bridge. Clearly they intend on coming back. /sarcasm.

UKR Should have destroyed the bridge in the first place when it all kicked off again. They completely screwed that up, possibly with traitors help unfortunately.
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Destroyed the bridge. Clearly they intend on coming back. /sarcasm.

UKR Should have destroyed the bridge in the first place when it all kicked off again. They completely screwed that up, possibly with traitors help unfortunately.
Depends on which end of the Bridge, looks like the Ukrainian side which should be easy to fix.

I think Putin is a western spy :cry:
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Kherson voted to join Russia, yeah right.... lol

Of course, don’t we all want to join Russia! :p

What a morale boost for Ukraine. Fair play to them given the odds they faced. There’s a long way to go, but some huge hurdles have been overcome and Russia has well and truly backed down vs even just a few months ago.
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