Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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In all this chaos it could lead to Ukraine possibly crossing the river and establishing a breach head.

Not sure what Russia command thought would happen really, they left it way to late and were stupid enough to keep pouring men and equipment into a situation that was hopeless.

Lets hope Ukraine are hitting the crossing points very hard now.

That would be majestic. Can you imagine that LMAO.
I'm but a mere armchair brigadier general, but I can't see them rushing to cross the river, that risks over-extending the Ukrainians, will be better to sweep and clear the west side of the river, and prevent Russians crossing with no penalty (do not collect $200, do not pass go).

The Russian withdrawal should have maintained layers of defense, with fall back positions, a rear guard to defend, and removal of all non-necessary troops much sooner.

Instead they have been ferrying non-combatant civilians for a while, and the defensive lines have just collapsed as they haven't bothered to maintain any.
This is an incredible opportunity for Ukraine, the Russians really have been *that* stupid and *not* informed a load of their troops about the withdrawal until the last moment... and FFS, military withdrawals require serious coordination.

End result is Russians bunching at the exit and a potential Turkey shoot for Ukrainian artillery... I don't want to sound too callous but they really do need to make the most of this, kill and injure as many of those troops as possible as this is the best opportunity for it they'll likely get... if they don't then they'll be facing these guys in the East soon enough.

Disorganised withdrawal of the Russians is literally the best situation here...
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If the Ukraine start to literally blow up thousands of retreating russian troops, (which I wholeheartedly think they should, in every possible way) I wonder how Putin might react, I mean it’s beyond embarrassing for him.

The Russian army is publicly having its arse handed to it, fair and square
Russian sources are crying that the US agreed they'd have a ceasefire for withdrawing and that Ukraine are ignoring that...
Did you once hear about a ceasefire? I never, not once, saw that even hinted at.

I saw Russians claiming that it was.a.warcrime to kill retreating Russians. They clearly don't know how war works.
Russian sources are crying that the US agreed they'd have a ceasefire for withdrawing and that Ukraine are ignoring that...
I'm as certain as I am about anything (which, admittedly, may not be much) that Putin wants ugly sacrifices here to justify what's coming. And I fear what's coming are those Iranian missiles -- preceded by drones to soak up defences -- to Ukraine's remaining energy/water infrastructure. Crippling huge areas could turn this into a very long war indeed, and that plays into his hands.

I hope to be very wrong though.
Russian sources are crying that the US agreed they'd have a ceasefire for withdrawing and that Ukraine are ignoring that...

LOL unless they agreed one with Ukraine then...

I'm pretty sure Ukraine wouldn't agree one unless there were Russians withdrawing from the East too.

I think the casualties reported tomorrow or in the next couple of days could be ridiculous, a potentially big loss of life for the Russians but tragically necessary because they're only going to have to face these same troops elsewhere if they don't seize the opportunity to obliterate as many as possible right now.. and having thousands of them bunched up/trying to flee is perfect for Ukrainian artillery, HIMARs etc.. to go to work.
I'm as certain as I am about anything (which, admittedly, may not be much) that Putin wants ugly sacrifices here to justify what's coming. And I fear what's coming are those Iranian missiles -- preceded by drones to soak up defences -- to Ukraine's remaining energy/water infrastructure. Crippling huge areas could turn this into a very long war indeed, and that plays into his hands.

I hope to be very wrong though.

Iran has been a bit hesitant with the missiles though, latest rumours (granted from unreliable telegram sources) are that they've not agreed to supply very many of the ballistic missiles the Russians want.
I'm as certain as I am about anything (which, admittedly, may not be much) that Putin wants ugly sacrifices here to justify what's coming. And I fear what's coming are those Iranian missiles -- preceded by drones to soak up defences -- to Ukraine's remaining energy/water infrastructure. Crippling huge areas could turn this into a very long war indeed, and that plays into his hands.

I hope to be very wrong though.

Russia certainly would happily expend 5K, 20K even possibly more to justify escalation - possibly trying to ramp up support at home by trying to get the population angry at Ukraine for the loss of their sons, husbands, fathers, etc.
Russia certainly would happily expend 5K, 20K even possibly more to justify escalation - possibly trying to ramp up support at home by trying to get the population angry at Ukraine for the loss of their sons, husbands, fathers, etc.

True but doesn't make it less worth doing. Better if Russian troops surrender in droves though, that preserves lives and gives Ukraine ammo for prisoner exchanges.
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This is an incredible opportunity for Ukraine, the Russians really have been *that* stupid and *not* informed a load of their troops about the withdrawal until the last moment... and FFS, military withdrawals require serious coordination.

End result is Russians bunching at the exit and a potential Turkey shoot for Ukrainian artillery... I don't want to sound too callous but they really do need to make the most of this, kill and injure as many of those troops as possible as this is the best opportunity for it they'll likely get... if they don't then they'll be facing these guys in the East soon enough.

Disorganised withdrawal of the Russians is literally the best situation here...

Word is it's become a Turkey shoot.

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It's not a difficult concept to grasp. I doubt they they were targeting civilians. I think they were targeting military target and some and in some cases all shells hit civilians because bombardment is not exactly a hard science. In any case we obviously can't say one way or the other so perhaps my view is wrong but i just cannot see any reason for the Russian military to specifically target civilians. I can believe their lack of care about collateral but that's not the same thing is it.

So as I was saying - intent. Assuming this is from Russian missile or a Russian airplane then I doubt they intended to shoot something expensive at a flat. I assume they were targeting important military infrastructure or military targets nearby.

Not really. I still think the same way.

I suppose you mean the recent warcrime trial in Ukraine of a soldier who was ordered to kill an innocent civilian because the commanding officer thought that civilian could give their position away. It is a warcrime and in simple terms a civilian was targeted but I'm sure you see there is more to it.

I still think there is no reason for expensive rockets to be targeted at civilians. I still think there is no official military strategy to target civilians.

There is this magic words - "intent". It doesn't mean civilians will not die. As an example Baghdad bombing was relentless with many civilians dying and whomever ordered it knew full will that many civilians would die but I wouldn't classify that as targeting civilians. It's collateral and all that comes from it.

Still belive this?
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