"No? Are you Russian? The best is Russia leaves Luhansk, Donetsk and Crimea and immediately starts paying reparations. This is the stated goal of Ukraine."
No. I'm a 59yo bloke writing from from Yorkshire. Very much a 'Chairbourne general'. My own military experience is limited to being a wargamer and re-enactor, and included camping and chatting with various miltary vererans, including Vietnam, Korea, Suez, Falklands, NI... others. Even 'camping' for a long weekend alongside a squad of Russian conscripts, still in active service, with their officers (and attached prostitutes). I have the badge [From Odessa military radio college] from that one - they were swapping anything for cigarettes and Vodka.
The best may be possible, but I doubt it. Objectives change during the war - Our own, at the start of WWII, was to protect and liberate Poland, and re-establish democracy. How did that work out? Arguably it did - but not until 1993. Certainly not when WWII was declared over.
Somebody earlier in the thread was comparing the scenes in liberated Kherson to the liberation of Belgium during 1944. I admit, from accounts I've read, that that is the only part of WWII that I'd actually LIKE to have experienced. But I'm aware what followed that - Market garden, Hürtgen Forest, Siegfried line... crossing the Rhine (which basically took 4-5 months). 200,000+ allied casualties, just in the West. This with THREE major powers fighting a single lesser one. Unlike now where there is a single nation fighting a nation of four times it's size.
I'm also aware of the 1941 invasion of Russia... how the Russians bonded together to throw out the invader of the home nation despite Stalin being feared and despised. According to accounts, on the BBC and other sources, that the Russians really do consider Crimea to be 'part of Russia', unlike the Donbas, and if invaded we might well see a proper full mobilization by them, that is supported by the population.
As for Reparations - Russian assets, including gold reserves, taken as part of sanctions would be a good start. Wont happen though.
So... how about you - are YOU Russian? Or got any reasoned arguments against what I put earlier?