Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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It would be a lot more realistic than the crap tanks the USSR turned out to have.
In fairness That's a historical game so of course tanks from the 30s/40s/50s do better against each other in it than tanks from the 70s/80s actually do against modern anti tank equipment.

Having said that Ukraine's T-64, T-80D and T-84 tanks are doing quite well so a lot of the issues Russia are experiencing with their T-72, T80 and T-90 tanks also comes down to errors in the way the tanks are being used (I.E being sent by themselves into urban areas, being sent with no AA units, etc).

But then you have the flipside that literally the only tank development Russia have done since the USSR fell is to bolt newish bits onto some T-72s, rename the T-72BU to the T-90 in order to make export customers feel better about buying a 20 year old budget tank, and build a couple of experimental T-14 tanks that don't work. How anyone thought last January that Russia would be winning tank battles against a country with better tanks and more of them in the combat area still amuses me :P
In fairness That's a historical game so of course tanks from the 30s/40s/50s do better against each other in it than tanks from the 70s/80s actually do against modern anti tank equipment.

Having said that Ukraine's T-64, T-80D and T-84 tanks are doing quite well so a lot of the issues Russia are experiencing with their T-72, T80 and T-90 tanks also comes down to errors in the way the tanks are being used (I.E being sent by themselves into urban areas, being sent with no AA units, etc).

But then you have the flipside that literally the only tank development Russia have done since the USSR fell is to bolt newish bits onto some T-72s, rename the T-72BU to the T-90 in order to make export customers feel better about buying a 20 year old budget tank, and build a couple of experimental T-14 tanks that don't work. How anyone thought last January that Russia would be winning tank battles against a country with better tanks and more of them in the combat area still amuses me :p

I wonder how many Russian tanks actually have full equipment and actual armour packages, etc. as well, never mind the quality of the materials they are produced with.

The videos in the couple of weeks before the war showed T-80s moving to forward staging areas with half of them not having mounted secondary armaments, etc. though possible they were fitted at staging areas - but if they were going into battle often without coax machineguns, limited dismounted support etc. they'd struggle a lot against infantry.
or maybe, you know rather than being man babies, they'd just like some tangible evidence to back up some random persons claim on the internet.
I come from Poland and speaking to my family and friends every week and from legal point of vue you can't do anything with Russia at this moment but the are illegal activities on the border (especially Belarus) talking place like immigrants coming here from France. There are always illegal activities in every country.
Can't imagine it goes more than a couple of hundred metres. Wouldn't want to be the first person to test that either hah, even remote triggered.

I think the taliban (or IS) did this, was a very effective way to provide area denial to anything except heavy armor.
I think the taliban (or IS) did this, was a very effective way to provide area denial to anything except heavy armor.
The syrian rebels did something similar with gas bottles during the war in Syria:


Where there's a will there's a way.
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Have Leopards ever gone up against Russian armour before? Could be interesting.
Yeah, battle of Stalingrad, battle of Berlin, hopefully they've got better since then :p

Joking aside they should be fine, they're easily comparable/superior to the coalition tanks that absolutely trashed Iraq's T-72s in desert storm (which saw the biggest tank battles in history).


Does anyone know which model these will be? as IIRC the rounds used by L2's prior to the L2A7 cannot frontally penetrate a T-80 or T-90 (apparently the rounds used by the later L2s aren't backwards compatible). Though I suppose that will be of little problem at this point as Ukraine already has thousands of other things that can :P
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