Where do you make that conclusion he was born in Ukraine
His post dosnt seem to say he pro russian one example.
I think he was referring to the source for Igor's posts not Igor. Most of these claims and "evidence" for a build up are coming from a small number of original sources which are likely Russian shills but a lot of OSINT, etc. are carrying them regardless.
Thats from 2021 - pretty sure the west would know by now if another massive build up was underway
One note of caution I'd have in that respect, even when it was under their noses there was a lot of denial in the West as to what was going on and there are a lot of people convinced now that anything in Belarus is an attempt at a distraction to pull forces away from the east and seem unable to break out of that mindset - many will likely still be claiming it is that if it comes to it right up until boots cross the border :s people are strange sometimes.
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