So more posturing and you still dodge the questions, what a surprise....
Well you knocked all the pieces on the chess board, are you finally going to go for the final act?
I did say, ask the question.
Regarding NATO statement, I am not sure why you linked it, I am well aware of NATO stance, hence I said that Ukraine's sovereignty takes priority, if they want to join they can.
Edit: You keep edition your posts. Can you not write it and then post. I can see the question that you are referring to so here is elaboration:
Russia is very annoyed that US/NATO is deploying anti ballistic missiles installations in Poland and Romania. NATOs formal point is that they are strictly defensive and against rogue states, not Russia. Russia's stance is that these installations are universal, they are not purely defensive as launchers can use both offensive and defensive missiles. Secondly Russia's view is that it reduces their capabilities in a possible war scenario and NATO telling Russia that they will not invade does not hold as much value as words are empty. Russia is saying they wont further invade Ukraine, we are not going to take their word for it are we. Same with Russia, it will not take NATOs word will it. Then there is precedent with Libya no fly zone UN mandated operation which was carried out by NATO. No fly zone was authorised but NATO went outside the sanctioned mandate and bombed dictators convoy, thus a successful regime change (successful part is a bit of a stretch though).
So what do we have in the end. If Ukraine joins then long term it means US/NATO military infrastructure in Ukraine (as it is Ukraine's right). This actually increases US's first strike capabilities and reduces Russia's first strike capabilities as well as reduce retaliatory strikes possibilities. This changes balance of power in the region, sovereignty neutering Russia's ability to guarantee sovereignty (similarly Russia neutered Ukraine's sovereignty).
When balance of power is firmly in the hands of external power, they can dictate the flow of politics. For example, if Russia was to go into another civil war then NATO can have infrastructure to enact a no fly zone and help other republics within Russia to achieve full independence, which further diminishes the state. Border disputes and conflict perpetually weaken states.
Dowie, I took a chance here and went for a genuine try. Please do not respond to this with "this still does not make it legitimate". It's not a moral or r righteous that Russia is taking but it is very much understandable and not surprising or unreasonable.