Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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curios, is Ukraina like, have lots of oil or something? lots of gas?
other than being able to point missiles at Russia, is Ukraine worth
something to us?
it's just that we don't want russia to have it because it makes russia easier to defend
and eventually ukraine would join nato so russia wouldn't risk attacking it
there's nothing amazing about ukraine itself, they export grain via odessa
People on here saying we won’t go to war, but we have pretty much been one of the lead countries on sanctions, warnings, dialogue, saying how terrible this would be for Russia and supplying Ukraine with masses of weapons.

We can hardly stand back and say “Nothing to do with us guv” if it does kick off.
curios, is Ukraina like, have lots of oil or something? lots of gas?
other than being able to point missiles at Russia, is Ukraine worth
something to us?

Actually, Ukraine is worth about nothing to us, which is probably why it's easier to revert to the Cold War form of be tough on Russia because it's worked before, and we really have nothing to lose, so why not treat them as we did before like the Federation to the Klingons.

Ukraine however does stand to gain if they disrupt the creation of Nordstream 2 and well they really didn't like the idea of the Nordstream 1 going up. To sour the relations of Russia to Europe is an obvious win for Ukraine. Europe needs gas, and Ukraine along with Belarus are the entry points for Russian land based pipelines, which successive Ukraine governments were all too kind to pocket millions out of. I wouldn't be too surprised if many former Ukrainian politicians are enjoying their early retirement and Yacht life with the aid of our very finest tax havens such as the BVI, quite high aspirations not even our corrupt lot in Government could dream of.

The problem today is we can sanction them to high heavens, but if China doesn't join in, and they obviously won't, they could sit it out quite comfortably, they are also sitting on quite a comfortable budget surplus thanks to the rising prices of oil.
I would not bet on the Olympics getting in the way - Russia seems to like doing invasions while or at the end of the Olympics.
How is the weather , that was still meant to be a discriminator, didn't Bonaparte get tripped up by that
.... Ukraine could have legitimately held the Olympics.
Had this fly over my house earlier today.

What was Poland worth to us in 1939?

Nothing. It was not a democracy. It was an excuse like Belgium in WW1. Chamberlain was annoyed that Hitler had lied to him. Churchill though gave Poland away to Stalin(Tehran) iirc. He and Stalin carved up spheres of influence over Europe.
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People on here saying we won’t go to war, but we have pretty much been one of the lead countries on sanctions, warnings, dialogue, saying how terrible this would be for Russia and supplying Ukraine with masses of weapons.

We can hardly stand back and say “Nothing to do with us guv” if it does kick off.

London is the main money laundering centre for dodgy Russian/Chinese/African money. We will not do anything to endanger that. You must have realised by now that BoZo shouts a lot but does not follow up. EG He is continually shouting out about fastest vaccine rollout whereas it was Israel who got in first and got them into people's arms. We are only 38th in the world for % fully vaccinated. Many European countries ahead of us.
People on here saying we won’t go to war, but we have pretty much been one of the lead countries on sanctions, warnings, dialogue, saying how terrible this would be for Russia and supplying Ukraine with masses of weapons.

We can hardly stand back and say “Nothing to do with us guv” if it does kick off.

We will likely place further sanctions on them and condemn their actions but nothing more.

Countries like Germany can’t make too much of a fuss unless they want their gas lines turning off!
Nothing. It was not a democracy. It was an excuse like Belgium in WW1. Chamberlain was annoyed that Hitler had lied to him. Churchill though gave Poland away to Stalin(Tehran) iirc. He ans Stalin carved up spheres of influence over Europe.

Pretty sure Churchill didn't want to give any country away to Stalin, we were bankrupt and low on manpower yet he insisted that we go to war with Stalin the US , however, they said no, combined with our limits previously mentioned and that put paid to ww2 carrying on.
We will likely place further sanctions on them and condemn their actions but nothing more.

Countries like Germany can’t make too much of a fuss unless they want their gas lines turning off!

40% of Europe's gas comes from Russia. That would cause an economic crash if turned off. Russia can divert some to China. America cannot suppply Europe with enough.
Pretty sure Churchill didn't want to give any country away to Stalin, we were bankrupt and low on manpower yet he insisted that we go to war with Stalin the US , however, they said no, combined with our limits previously mentioned and that put paid to ww2 carrying on.

There was a documentary series about Churchill and his wartime exploits. He was getting annoyed that the US and Russia were meeting without him and he met Stalin and they divided up Europe. Poland was meant to be 80% Russian influence and 20% Western but of course Stalin had later said 'where we fought through is ours'.
Our Defence staff told Churchill it was not on.
Horrible. However, I'm fully expecting it. The sheer amount of activity and level of troop build up seems too high for it to be just a ruse.

The Russian's seem to be on full gaslighting/propaganda mode too.
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