That's one of the things that has struck me about the Russian use of the more expensive/harder to produce "precision" weapons, is how many of them have either gone off target and effectively wasted, or been deliberately wasted at what are really quite minor targets*.And even then it hits meaningless targets and with the delay just gives Ukraine time to repair the infrastructure, so ultimately makes little difference.
At times it's like they're using plans that were for something else entirely and haven't adjusted for what they're actually doing, or indeed reality.
Things like hitting the electrical infrastructure is a valid tactic if you can hit it hard enough to take it down and it take a long time to repair and bring back up, but it's not such a good tactic if it's being brought back up faster than you can resupply your missiles, or it's robust enough that it's not falling over because it was built with that sort of damage (and worse) in mind, as I suspect was the case for a lot of cold war USSR infrastructure and given Ukraine was rebuilt after WW2 in part to act as a heavily fortified buffer, hence the layout of various cities/major industrial complexes.
*things that are nice to hit if you've got a huge supply, but not exactly A or B rated targets if your supply is in any way constrained (be it low stocks, low production, or simply problems getting it from storage to launcher)..