Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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What a strange suggestion. And absolutely strong correlation. Politicians renowned for corruption that were never charged for it.

Strong correlation if you only consider that basic fact.
If you think a bit wider you may realise why those two you mention were in fact not, good examples.

Strange suggestion is that based on the last few years of the UK we really shouldn't be inferring that others have it bad.
We have demonstratably been far far worse because of the morons we put into power.
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Strong correlation if you only consider that basic fact.
If you think a bit wider you may realise why those two you mention were in fact not.

Strange suggestion is that based on the last few years of the UK we really shouldn't be inferring that others have it bad.
We have demonstratably been far far worse because of the morons we put into power.

Mao and stalin weren't corrupt? :cry:
We have enough ourselves. What we don't have is a plan for making more MBTs.

We will not make more, we will not even upgrade the full amount as there is no desire even after the lessons of Ukraine.

Every government we get doesn't care about the military, especially the army.
We have enough ourselves. What we don't have is a plan for making more MBTs.
Do we have the infrastructure to provide maintenance and spares for the ones we're sending though ? Also will 148 CR3's really be enough, I know it's only part of the puzzle complement for NATO as a whole, but if we happened to go alone somewhere, would 148 really be enough ?

Vickers built somewhere in the region of 447 Challenger 2 tanks, 338 were bought by the British army with the remainder going to Oman. There's no clear answers as to how many are fit to go and fight but the story is out of that 338 only 227 remain only with only 45 are in operationally ready with the rest I'm assuming in long term storage with the 109 remainder being used for spare parts (45 operational, 182 in storage and 109 used as spares = 338)
Do we have the infrastructure to provide maintenance and spares for the ones we're sending though ? Also will 148 CR3's really be enough, I know it's only part of the puzzle complement for NATO as a whole, but if we happened to go alone somewhere, would 148 really be enough ?

The Russians may not be dropping nuclear bombs just yet but looking at that they've acheived the same outcome with artillery.
Is 148 enough? I suppose not if the poop hit the fan. What we don't seem to have is a plan for for replacing them if war broke out. We have enough for current wars and support, but that's it. I will say now, I am not into currently looking at military readiness or what arms we/us have etc, so this is very on the surface stuff. What I know is.. the UK is a very difficult place to try and take as trying to transport heavy weapons to it would be a major challenge.
We wouldn't have to. If it actually gets to a point where we're going into a war that requires a massed deployment of armour then there's a overwhelming chance that NATO will be involved. NATO tanks will pick up the slack.

Considering how slow and ineffective NATO members have been in the early stages I’m not sure I’d like to see it tested if one country was attacked and invoked article 5.
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