Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Or Zelensky is misleading the Russians into committing more into the meat grinder to get an illusory big breakthrough. Time will tell.

Reading that CNN story though, its more about the Russians getting a morale booster and some momentum from a victory, hence the Ukraine side holding out as much as possible.
So they don't have reserves in defensive positions behind bakhmut, that's really odd

Maybe the terrain is such that it's hard to make a viable defensive line after Bakhmut without conceding a lot of ground? If your choices are defend a strong position or give it up and the next city in line comes under siege then you don't have much of a choice at all...
I keep reading that to the West of Bakthmut there are hills which Ukraine have fortified for the last year, if not more. So really hoping that is the rather strong defensive position.
Rumour is Ukraine going to make a breakthrough from North and come in from behind and trap Russians inside Bakhmut, Wagner said there multiple Ukraine units around and they are complaining about ammo we shall see.

I personally dont get why an offensive hasnt been made like Kharkiv to release pressure of Bakhmut spreading Russians forces thin like has been very sucessful in the past.
As much as I would like that to be true I can't help but think that's just a ploy by Prigozhin to get more munitions from the Russian military because he's worried that Gerasimov is trying to steal his victory in Bakhmut. With the Russians it's almost impossible to know when they are speaking the truth or their going full maskirovka.

Ukraine will go on the attack, they can't just keep defending and expect to win. What's is clear is when it comes to attacking Russia doesn't mind losing people but Ukrainians do and won't thorw away lifes recklessly so the conditions have to be right (Kharkiv happened after a lot staging and convicing the Russian that the main objective was Kherson which worked as Russia redolyed all it's VDV units their and left Kharkiv paper thin with a handful of reservists). If Ukraine were to attack now they would be going up agianst prepared Russia positions on narrow roads whcih will result in a lot of people getting killed (you saw what happened at Vuhledar), besides Russian has lots of forces in that area, any fight push back is going to sloging match. On top of that it's clear that thier senior commanders have decided that will be wait until they have enough western tanks and other weapon systems in place before launching any attack. Lastly, Putin and his cronies have turned Bakhmut into a mini Stlingrad and won't let it go, the benefit for Ukraine is that Russia is focusing a lot of it's resources in just a couple of areas and are not threating another 4 pronged assults like they tried in the opening stages of the invasion.
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Hearing of tank v tank and the T90`s didnt come off well
Article seems to have disappeared but it stands to reason that if the T-90s ran into T-64s without a numerical advantage they would come off worse.

You would think that even the Russians should be able to figure out that if two tank groups have comparable armour and comparable ammunition but one can fire 20% faster then that's an advantage in a firefight :D
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It isn't just the road connections, it enables rail connections for bringing stuff up to the front, then rail connections to support the next areas Russia takes - sure there are other cities which are arguably better logistic hubs but with the way Bahkmut sits and the way the Russian logistics work it is pretty critical for sustaining a large part of their future efforts.
It isn't just the road connections, it enables rail connections for bringing stuff up to the front, then rail connections to support the next areas Russia takes - sure there are other cities which are arguably better logistic hubs but with the way Bahkmut sits and the way the Russian logistics work it is pretty critical for sustaining a large part of their future efforts.

I don't think HIMARS can hit moving targets, yet. Should still work ok if you can time correctly a slow moving column to ensure the rockets hits where you want it.

The PRSM missile that will be launched from HIMARS that can hit moving targets; it can even be fired by a moving HIMARS to hit a moving target. PRSM missiles can even be fired towards moving ships and boats which may mean countries in the future use HIMARS for coastal defences as well

If you really want to you can even use PrSM missiles to attack coastal defences from the sea - the US tested this already and it looked quite funny but it works - you place HIMARS launchers on the deck of a a ship and while the ship the is moving the HIMARS launchers fire their PrSM missiles towards the enemy coast - the ship needs to be within 600km of the target

The PrSM missiles just looks so damn awesome. The only downside right now is the slow rate of production with the USA building just 100 missiles per year starting this year. They should really build more, it's a do it all kind of missile, the F-35 of missiles if you wish
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It's hard to imagine a country like Russia having munition issues, given all the stockpiles they supposedly "had" for instance that ammo dump in Transnistria is supposed to have 20,000 tonnes of various ammunition alone

So I wonder if they're starting to suffer logistic issues again or ammunition issues are specific types of ammunition but given the shovel story, it seems bullets are even an issue, it's an odd situation for Russia really
But isn't this Prigozhin problem, as far as I know he was given 200milion a month to supply tens of thousands of mercenaries.

He is supposed to kit them out and keep them fighting, it's his ammunition problem not Russia's, even though its Russias problem if they can't fight

I assume his supplies from North Korea have dried up as that's who was arming them a few months ago.

Its good news for Ukraine though if they cant get ammunition then they can't really fight, shovels wont go them much good.
****** group, sorry, wagner group are not part of the Rashka army. It is a PMC used on behalf of Poot in in various countries to earn money by providing security. Well, it used to be. In December ****** group, sorry, wagner group members insulted army general with an open video. Since then michelin star chef Prigozhyn started crying about the shortage of the supply of ammo. I believe that they are somehow connected. As the saying goes "you don't bite the hand that feeds you".
To be fair I think they have used up all their professional mercs and are now at the bottom of the barrel with convicts.

The best western mercs wont come as they expect a grand a day not a grand a month like he pays. As well as the fact they would know its pretty much a one way ticket.
Only loosely related to Ukraine and I've not checked what exercise is on - but that is a ton of NATO assets in the air.

EDIT: Guessing related to Cobra Warrior though outside the schedule.
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Are they just doing 'divide by ten' ? LOL.
Maybe the sad reality is that they dont "count" lesser citizens, those from the eastern regions, fighters sent from prisons or Wagner grunts. Maybe 15000 is the lives that are accountable, with Families in the western Russia, with social standing and a voice. Lives that Putins Government cant just get away with forgetting.
Or I'm just looking into it too much and 15000 is just a number that they have plucked out of their ****. "Not great, Not terrible...".
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