Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Current war map:



*China Foreign Minister: Modernization of China Does Not Rely on War, Colonization

LOL. Africa says hi.
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Russia has vast quantities of ammo, the actual state of it and logistics to get it where it needs to be are another story. Awhile back there were stories of companies deployed to the front where only the officers had ammo (I suspect a measure to prevent mutiny, etc.), the supply for the regular troops just never turned up or was massively delayed.

The problem is vast stockpiles is age ; propellants break down so might fizz instead of woosh (grad rounds), or a dud when landing not a bang , or even blow the chamber. And as with the USA et al, after the cold war, they sold vast amounts of it (see Lord of War)
Most of the EU were burying their hand in the sand (Scholz) or trying to hopelessly negotiate (Macron). If things did go pear shaped, I guess we could rely on the same countries who provided assistance in the early stages.
You understand France and Germany are landlocked with Russia right?
Look, I didn't read the last few posts.

I want this war over and done with.

So many crimes are happening, it's a mess.

I also don't know what to believe any more. It's just such a mess.
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