Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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They are being incredible with their tactics, and ... yet again... going after the power grid. Cos it worked so well the last 20 times lol.

Its because russian intelligence is so bad; they dont have many military targets to hit but old power stations that have been there for years they know about.

At the start of the war russia was sending cruise missiles to old sites where closed down military bases were, their knowledge is very delayed, the pentagon says when Russia tries to bomb a military targeted they don't know if they hit the target for several days - thats how long it take them to find out, they are so far behind what western militaries are now used to.

Russia only tries to bomb targets that sit still for a long time and this means there arent a lot of military targets left to hit so they bomb static civilian structures
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Its because russian intelligence is so bad; they dont have many military targets to hit but old power stations that have been there for years they know about.

At the start of the war russia was sending cruise missiles to old sites where closed down military bases were, their knowledge is very delayed, the pentagon says when Russia tries to bomb a military targeted they don't know if they hit the target for several days - thats how long it take them to find out, they are so far behind what western militaries are now used to.

Russia only tries to bomb targets that sit still for a long time and this means there arent a lot of military targets left to hit so they bomb static civilian structures

That and they enjoy hitting civilians more.
80 missiles fired but seems to point to a shortage as this is first big one in a month.

Pretty pathetic really, now, this is what we British could do with aircraft covered in cloth and near medieval explosives compared to today.

In one night on July 27th nineteen forty three 730 British bombers, dropped nearly 2,500 tons of bombs on just one populous city, Hamburg. Much of Hamburg ended up looking like this.

Temperatures of 800 degrees centigrade plus drew air in to feed the colossal fires, to form winds of nearly 250 km/h and the canals literally boiled. The "success" of this caused us to do the same to Dresden a bit later. I don't care who is, or was, right or wrong, for men to execute such acts on his fellows is quite appalling. To celebrate such acts or seek worse retribution is probably even more perverse. Historically the Ukraine versus Russia situation is still fairly tame and controlled, until some form of peace and agreement can be reached I can only pray it doesn't escalate.

Pretty pathetic really, now, this is what we British could do with aircraft covered in cloth and near medieval explosives compared to today.

In one night on July 27th nineteen forty three 730 British bombers, dropped nearly 2,500 tons of bombs on just one populous city, Hamburg. Much of Hamburg ended up looking like this.

Temperatures of 800 degrees centigrade plus drew air in to feed the colossal fires, to form winds of nearly 250 km/h and the canals literally boiled. The "success" of this caused us to do the same to Dresden a bit later. I don't care who is, or was, right or wrong, for men to execute such acts on his fellows is quite appalling. To celebrate such acts or seek worse retribution is probably even more perverse. Historically the Ukraine versus Russia situation is still fairly tame and controlled, until some form of peace and agreement can be reached I can only pray it doesn't escalate.
If Russia had the mean & capability, Kyiv would definitely look like that by now. Don't pretend the situation is 'tame & controlled' because cities don't look like this.
The situation with the Nuclear Power plant seems awfully dangerous again now that Russian strikes have cut it from the grid.

Nuclear power plants are awful dangerous at the best of times, despite an overpopulated world seeing them as a panacea to cheap energy. It's frankly risible so many intelligent people say in one breath how great and foolproof they are, then counter months later with how dangerous a common situation (war, earthquake, human error, blah bla) can make them....
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Common situation? War? :confused:

Earthquakes can be accounted for, as they are in all buildings, human error not an issue, I work in a regulated industry where a single point of failure is never allowed, so assume an even more regulated industry would also treat critical points of failure the same.
Pretty pathetic really, now, this is what we British could do with aircraft covered in cloth and near medieval explosives compared to today.

In one night on July 27th nineteen forty three 730 British bombers, dropped nearly 2,500 tons of bombs on just one populous city, Hamburg. Much of Hamburg ended up looking like this….
Historically the Ukraine versus Russia situation is still fairly tame and controlled, until some form of peace and agreement can be reached I can only pray it doesn't escalate.

Be under no illusion, it’s not because of Russian restraint that every Ukrainian city doesn’t look like that already. Simply Ukraine air defence won’t allow the bombers over to drop their bombs.

Every Ukrainian city they’ve attacked and been in range of artillery are either completely like the pic above or large swathes of them are.
Nuclear power plants are awful dangerous at the best of times, despite an overpopulated world seeing them as a panacea to cheap energy. It's frankly risible so many intelligent people say in one breath how great and foolproof they are, then counter months later with how dangerous a common situation (war, earthquake, human error, blah bla) can make them....

It doesn't matter how well a nuclear power plant is built, it won't survive sustained bombardment of any kind. But thats true of every man made structure in the world? Chemical plants, heavy industry et all. All have the potential to cause massive environmental disasters. Fukishima took a tsunami and an earthquake (the highest recorded in Japan at the time). Human error has largely been removed due to the development and improvement of control systems.

So in normal day to day operation nuclear power stations are no more dangerous than many other industries. But start dropping cruise missiles on them, or deliberately target the supporting infrastructure then sure.
Looks like the Ukrainian Airforce is going to get a nice little boost

Poland has said it is ready to hand over all its MiG-29 jets to a U.S. air base in Germany and urged other NATO members with the same type of Russian-made warplanes to do the same, the Foreign Ministry has said, although a U.S. official later said the announcement was a "surprise."

U.S. lawmakers pushed President Joe Biden's administration on March 7 to facilitate the transfer of fighter aircraft to Ukraine from Poland and other NATO and Eastern European countries, after a plea on March 5 from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

"The authorities of the Republic of Poland...are ready to deploy -- immediately and free of charge -- all their MIG-29 jets to the Rammstein Air Base and place them at the disposal of the government of the United States of America," the ministry said in a statement.
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