Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I'm pretty sure everyone was confident this was the case last time, either way if he doesn't it'll be DeSantis.

Although it was obvious to many people that Trump was not the best choice for president, in 2016 he had the advantage of being perceived as offering something new/different to mainstream politics. Evidently his MAGA message worked for enough people, although he did get less votes than Hilary. However, his stint as president and subsequent behaviour has made clear what an awful person he is and if he ends up on the ballot I would be amazed if he doesn't galvanise support for his opponent. Hopefully the Democrats can find someone younger than Biden though!
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The "new and different" thing Trump offered was that he stood up to the mainstream press. They stuck the mic in his face and asked him the standard "When did you stop beating your wife?" questions that normally results in Republicans cowering and conceding ground to the left in an effort to not sound as bad as the question was phrased, but Trump didn't respond that way.

At the bottom of the escalator when he was talking about illegal immigration and the press stuck the mic in his face and asked something to the effect of " Are you saying the people crossing the border from Mexico are coming here to take advantage of our social safety net?" he responded with something like: "Yes, next question."

I think the reason the mainstream media couldn't brow-beat him the way they did other Republican candidates was because he himself is also dishonest A-hole and knew how to better handle them.

Unfortunately, his oversized ego drove him to counter their dishonest bias with increasingly ridiculous dishonesty of his own. It wasn't long before he just started to sound like this guy:

I don't think he'll get elected to president again.
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Well that's certainly a history... was it the real one however?

You don't find allies in the elite to fight your battle with the elite, it is doomed to fail as Russia has found out numerous times now.
On the contrary, I think it will galvanise his base afresh by turning him into a martyr. Politically speaking, he's likely to emerge from this stronger than ever.

His base is not enough though, and at this point it's unlikely to grow.

He's a failed has been.

I think it's very unlikely (but not impossible) that he will be elected again. If he is, it certainly won't be in a landslide like Elon has predicted.
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This video posted by the Kremlin is why the ICC was able to get an arrest warrant out so quick. The two admit to stealing children from Mariupol in the video

It's known President Putin has two adult daughters and it's rumoured he may have another. He rarely speaks of them, so why would he "steal" another child? The fabricated sensationalism and hysteria on these chat sites to post ongoing nonsensical drama is amazing :)

Can you say just where the president says he has "stolen" a child? On the basis of such criteria the UK "stole" around 10,000 children from Germany during the second world war.
It's known President Putin has two adult daughters and it's rumoured he may have another. He rarely speaks of them, so why would he "steal" another child? The fabricated sensationalism and hysteria on these chat sites to post ongoing nonsensical drama is amazing :)

Can you say just where the president says he has "stolen" a child? On the basis of such criteria the UK "stole" around 10,000 children from Germany during the second world war.
It's known President Putin has two adult daughters and it's rumoured he may have another. He rarely speaks of them, so why would he "steal" another child? The fabricated sensationalism and hysteria on these chat sites to post ongoing nonsensical drama is amazing :)

Can you say just where the president says he has "stolen" a child? On the basis of such criteria the UK "stole" around 10,000 children from Germany during the second world war.

She stole the child. She works for him. He started the war in Ukraine and clearly endorses children being stolen.

My god man is there any depths you won't go to? The ICC have evidence he and that woman - who also has an arrest warrant against her- have ordered the removal of children. She admits she has taken a child. Yet its fabricated hysteria :rolleyes:
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On the contrary, I think it will galvanise his base afresh by turning him into a martyr. Politically speaking, he's likely to emerge from this stronger than ever.

I think *part* of his base will be galvanized, but not enough to get him elected.

My wife and I both voted for him, but we will not do so again. He got some good judges appointed, made the main-stream media look like a bunch of absolute fools the day he was elected, and got them to drop almost any pretense of objectivity.

Unfortunately, he's also exposed himself as a dishonest fraud that's no better than the media he was constantly battling. To be clear, I understand that politicians are dishonest in general, but Trump was particularly bad at lying to the point of it being comical.

I suspect the number of people who actually think he's an honest man trying to help the country for selfless reasons are far too few to get him elected again. -And people like me who could see he was Joe Isuzu but thought he may still get some good things done, even if it was only so he could brag about it on TV, are done with him now.
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She stole the child. She works for him. He started the war in Ukraine and clearly endorses children being stolen.

My god man is there any depths you won't go to? The ICC have evidence he and that woman - who also has an arrest warrant against her- have ordered the removal of children. She admits she has taken a child. Yet its fabricated hysteria :rolleyes:

That's not at ALL what the original post claimed, nothing LIKE what was originally said, which was, verbatim:

"The two admit to stealing children from Mariupol in the video".

Never represent yourself in court, you'd be a God given gift to any quarter competent junior prosecution barrister :)
It's known President Putin has two adult daughters and it's rumoured he may have another. He rarely speaks of them, so why would he "steal" another child? The fabricated sensationalism and hysteria on these chat sites to post ongoing nonsensical drama is amazing :)

Can you say just where the president says he has "stolen" a child? On the basis of such criteria the UK "stole" around 10,000 children from Germany during the second world war.

Are you actually trying to draw an equivalence between what Russia has done in Ukraine and the Kindertransport that saved 10,000 (mostly Jewish) children from very real Nazi persecution? Could this be a new Chris Wilson low?
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Are you actually trying to draw an equivalence between what Russia has done in Ukraine and the Kindertransport that saved 10,000 (mostly Jewish) children from very real Nazi persecution? Could this be a new Chris Wilson low?

We / you know nothing like enough to draw any conclusions on why some children were repatriated to Russia, claiming they were "stolen" is abject hysteria.

If they were orphaned in a war zone the like of which photos on here have shown, should they have been left to fend for themselves and become what are now historically known as "The Wolf Children"? Should they have shot them? Put a lost and found advert in the local paper? Get a grip....
We / you know nothing like enough to draw any conclusions on why some children were repatriated to Russia, claiming they were "stolen" is abject hysteria.

If they were orphaned in a war zone the like of which photos on here have shown, should they have been left to fend for themselves and become what are now historically known as "The Wolf Children"? Should they have shot them? Put a lost and found advert in the local paper? Get a grip....

Since it's his aggression that caused the death of the children's parents, he's now responsible for handing them over to the civil services of Ukraine. There are, uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents etc. and the Ukrainian government is in a far better position to get these children to family members that will care for them.

Putin caused this. He's not being heroic if he kills children's parents and takes them away to live under his dictatorship.
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We / you know nothing like enough to draw any conclusions on why some children were repatriated to Russia, claiming they were "stolen" is abject hysteria.

If they were orphaned in a war zone the like of which photos on here have shown, should they have been left to fend for themselves and become what are now historically known as "The Wolf Children"? Should they have shot them? Put a lost and found advert in the local paper? Get a grip....

"Repatriated"? You know that world means to send someone back to their country of origin? These are Ukrainian children, not Russian and they should have been handed over to Ukrainian authorities if they were found to have been orphaned. It is against international law to move people from their country and that includes children. Then there is the fact his troops on his orders murdered their parents.

It's known President Putin has two adult daughters and it's rumoured he may have another. He rarely speaks of them, so why would he "steal" another child? The fabricated sensationalism and hysteria on these chat sites to post ongoing nonsensical drama is amazing :)

Can you say just where the president says he has "stolen" a child? On the basis of such criteria the UK "stole" around 10,000 children from Germany during the second world war.

That's not at ALL what the original post claimed, nothing LIKE what was originally said, which was, verbatim:

"The two admit to stealing children from Mariupol in the video".

Never represent yourself in court, you'd be a God given gift to any quarter competent junior prosecution barrister :)

She took a child didn't she? That is stealing children, clearly Putin knew and approved. Lets not pretend he didn't order it done, nothing happens in a dictatorship without the dictator giving the thumbs up.

So children were stolen, she took one, he knew and endorsed it. They are guilty of stealing children.
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She took a child didn't she? That is stealing children, clearly Putin knew and approved. Lets not pretend he didn't order it done, nothing happens in a dictatorship without the dictator giving the thumbs up.

So children were stolen, she took one, he knew and endorsed it. They are guilty of stealing children.

Your goal posts are not well anchored. They're all over the show. You have gone from supporting "The two admit to stealing children from Mariupol in the video".

To: "Clearly Putin knew and approved". That's entirely subjective.

I know you are in the lowly General Discussion section, but I would have hoped pride would have motivated you to a better presentation of alleged "facts" than this shape shifting.
Your goal posts are not well anchored. They're all over the show. You have gone from supporting "The two admit to stealing children from Mariupol in the video".

To: "Clearly Putin knew and approved". That's entirely subjective.

I know you are in the lowly General Discussion section, but I would have hoped pride would have motivated you to a better presentation of alleged "facts" than this shape shifting.

So you don't believe Russia have stolen children from Ukraine? That is what you are saying and the ICC warrants are bogus? Fake news?

And you honestly believe Putin wouldn't have known and endorsed the removal of children? They can return soldiers but they can't return children? Give your head a wobble.
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Anyway, let me give you something to get your rapacious teeth into whilst you flagellate me and are perhaps missing a bit of potential proper gossip. President Putin visited Crimea today, a visit to a "Children's Palace".

How many times can you show me him wearing (somewhat uncomfortably if my sixth sense has any bearing), a turtle necked jumper on a such a visit? He's always looked ultra smart in a suit and tie, in by FAR the majority of such press heavy scenarios...

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