You would like us to do what? Ban him for having an opinion that may differ from your own? Cancel culture is not and will never be promoted on these forums.
If it were simply a case of occasionally expressing a "controversial" opinion in a thread to which it had some relevance, then I suppose not. When it's repeated, deliberate and calculated baiting, often completely off-topic and with no purpose other than to provoke, antagonise and offend (god knows it's easy enough to spot) then yes, I would prefer you take some sort of action, at least to rein him in if not an outright ban. For reasons best known to yourselves, you've clearly decided not to do so. So be it.
And yes, frankly, to answer his earlier dig I may indeed be "embittered" to some extent although not I hope to the point where it affects my rationality. When some self-declared racist is given free licence to keep endlessly vomiting up his "differing" opinion that my wife and kids are somehow lesser human beings who don't belong in this country, based on nothing other than their ethnicity, you're damn right I'm going to take it personally.
Most risible of all is that some people here are, with apparently no trace of irony, complaining that the poor racist is being "bullied." Just... what?
Anyway, I've taken the thread further off-topic myself, so apologies for that at least. At least we have the ignore button, as I suggested previously.