Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Try "at all". If anything you've flipped the flag around 180 degrees and it's flying Russian colours.

For someone who claims they aren't on Russia's side on this, you seem to be putting a lot of effort into coming here and supporting a lot of their viewpoints with what you say.

Go esay on him, he had to buy fresh rubber sheets this week.
It isn't a lack of support for Ukraine, but a fundamental wish to avoid the kind of devastation that would be close to an extinction level event. Sorry if I'm not waving my Ukrainian flag vociferously enough, but pragmatism forces me to be more concerned about that than who governs some **** hole in Eastern Europe you couldn't pay me to visit in the best of times.

We won't have a world/global community worth living in if everyone stands idly by whilst their allies get invaded by a hostile country.

You use the word "pragmatism", when what you actually mean is surrender or cowardice.
Ironic for a guy that probably wears a hazmat suit to go buy milk incase you get the equivalent of the common cold.

Wow, you are really bad at this.

I'm not afraid of germs. I don't mask up when I go outside. I get a common cold at least once a year, and it's no big deal. Promoting vaccination does not make me a hypochondriac or a germophobe. Good grief, get some decent material or get off the stage.
incase you get the equivalent of the common cold.

Another poor take only coming from ignorance or naivety - the common cold pretty much kills no health adults in the UK the numbers are so small as to be effectively zero, a small handful of elderly, ironically those who do have less than 2 years to live, succumb to it usually due to a secondary pneumonia infection (around 80% of cases). While COVID has been the direct and only cause of death in nearly 20,000 healthy adult cases in the UK so far.

I also disagree that it is similar to a cold for most people - while it might appear superficially true the virus can infect cells all over the body and does far more damage the longer term consequences for many people will be more than just a cold - as a similar comparison most people lose their sense of smell with a cold due to congestion and it clears up within a week while with COVID it actually attacks and in some cases destroys cells/nerves in the olfactory system often taking weeks to recover with a chance of permanent partial or total loss of the sense.
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We won't have a world/global community worth living in if everyone stands idly by whilst their allies get invaded by a hostile country.

You use the word "pragmatism", when what you actually mean is surrender or cowardice.

Okay then, so why only the current level of support, if we aren't worried about nukes then why don't we simply kick Russia out of Ukraine by force? The US Airforce would make pretty short work of that.
Okay then, so why only the current level of support, if we aren't worried about nukes then why don't we simply kick Russia out of Ukraine by force? The US Airforce would make pretty short work of that.
How about to avoid a larger scale war. As unpalatable as it is, the situation we have at the moment keeps it localised with limited involvement and relatively low cost whilst heavily degrading both militarily and financially one of the main threat actors in the world. Sadly it is at the cost of Ukrainian lives. The aim is de-escalation not escalation. You cant do that with Putin by sitting around a table. That he has demonstrated clearly time and time again. Therefore power and violence is the only way forward. A localised conflict is much better than a World War.
What this has sadly demonstrated (regarding nukes) , is those countries the west doesnt want to have them / get them , the countries wont give them up ever - North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Iran as 3 examples
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What this has sadly demonstrated (regarding nukes) , is those countries the west doesnt want to have them / get them , the countries wont give them up ever - North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Iran as 3 examples

What it has demonstrated is that nuclear weapons are a massive barrier to conventional war and unlikely to result in nuclear war unless a mad man has the ability to use them who doesn't care for their own survival - fortunately those more rogue states are ruled by people who do care about their survival (even if they are nutters).

NATO and/or the US going into Ukraine mob handed is a huge gamble, far too big a gamble to roll the dice on nuclear war, though in reality unlikely for Russia to resort to nukes - where nuclear outcomes become a huge risk is when there is a direct threat to Putin himself.
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How about to avoid a larger scale war. As unpalatable as it is, the situation we have at the moment keeps it localised with limited involvement and relatively low cost whilst heavily degrading both militarily and financially one of the main threat actors in the world. Sadly it is at the cost of Ukrainian lives. The aim is de-escalation not escalation. You cant do that with Putin by sitting around a table. That he has demonstrated clearly time and time again. Therefore power and violence is the only way forward. A localised conflict is much better than a World War.

But on one hand I'm told that we can't simply sit idly by and that Putin won't use nukes, yet on the other we should avoid WW3. We are clearly worried about the conflict escalating, it's simply a case of not moving the needle too far. Yet when I suggest we've already moved the needle too far I'm ridiculed.
Okay then, so why only the current level of support, if we aren't worried about nukes then why don't we simply kick Russia out of Ukraine by force? The US Airforce would make pretty short work of that.

Because this isn't Team America: World Police.

We have a thing called diplomacy and despite what numpties like Trump would have you believe, there's an art to it. While we're supporting Ukraine, the end goal is still a diplomatic resolution rather than larger-scale warfare.

While the US is one of our allies, we also don't want them to be bullies themselves and there's only really a nuclear threat if they start doing the things you've mentioned.

If the needle had already been moved too far, Russia would be at least using smaller scale nuclear warheads within Ukraine to flatten towns and cities.
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What it has demonstrated is that nuclear weapons are a massive barrier to conventional war and unlikely to result in nuclear war unless a mad man has the ability to use them who doesn't care for their own survival - fortunately those more rogue states are ruled by people who do care about their survival (even if they are nutters).

NATO and/or the US going into Ukraine mob handed is a huge gamble, far too big a gamble to roll the dice on nuclear war, though in reality unlikely for Russia to resort to nukes - where nuclear outcomes become a huge risk is when there is a direct threat to Putin himself.
Ofc, tin foil hat moment - was China testing covid as a weapon ;). USSR had a huge bioweapons programme, and were getting close to RNA splicing virus in the 1990`s
Ofc, tin foil hat moment - was China testing covid as a weapon ;). USSR had a huge bioweapons programme, and were getting close to RNA splicing virus in the 1990`s

I don't see COVID's usefulness as a weapon though it may have been part of a bioweapon research program and unintentionally escaped. Although it does have potential as either a litmus to gauge response (though then you potentially put the potential targets on alert) or as a real world study of the spread.

Personally I'm on the fence - there are too many unexplained gaps in either man-made or natural origin but personally I'd err on the side of it being an accidental release if there is a lab component involved.

Tin foil hat moment but with the early spread of COVID and the way at points it seemed to have a hand along I see parallels with the hallmarks of the supposed North Korean group behind the spread of certain malware especially the worming behaviour of Wannacry.
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Yet when I suggest we've already moved the needle too far I'm ridiculed.
Because the evidence suggests otherwise. Things arnt escalating, frustratingly its a status quo at the moment, relatively stagnant conflict. It is a fine balance, hopefully this changes in the coming months. However all we are doing for the most part is facilitating Ukraine to protect and fight for itself and hopefully to reinstate its internationally recognised borders.
Okay then, so why only the current level of support, if we aren't worried about nukes then why don't we simply kick Russia out of Ukraine by force? The US Airforce would make pretty short work of that.

It isn't just about nukes. If NATO forces get involved, that will likely lead to a larger scale conventional war.

The best way, for the moment, is to help Ukraine repel the invasion by themselves.
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