Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Ignoring nukes the thing which messes Russia up the most really in terms of a world war is that their production is easily within reach of NATO to destroy, they'll have a much harder time doing that the other way around - at most some disruption of communications and isolated incidents where they have teams on the ground, etc. something that maybe we are a bit too blind to actually - Russia almost certainly has people positioned to try and attempt sabotage should it come to it.

Complacency, hubris and inertia are far bigger threats really to the West/NATO than Russia militarily - which might allow Russia militarily to make far more gains than they should.
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Do we think Putin actually has cancer? The Mirror were quoting a dubious source saying he's on a third round of treatment. Maybe trying to cement his legacy (with a very unsuccessful war)?
Do we think Putin actually has cancer? The Mirror were quoting a dubious source saying he's on a third round of treatment. Maybe trying to cement his legacy (with a very unsuccessful war)?

I'd say he almost certainly has something, though probably not unusual at that age, but how serious is another matter again. He increasingly has that sallow, hollowed out look people tend to take on when battling a chronic condition, often things like liver cancer. (My old neighbour and my great aunt looked similar but beat the condition initially and went on another 5 years or so before it resurged and got them).

The Sun has been bleating out various version of Putin having a terminal illness for years I wouldn't take much notice of them.
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Do we think Putin actually has cancer? The Mirror were quoting a dubious source saying he's on a third round of treatment. Maybe trying to cement his legacy (with a very unsuccessful war)?

I'd say he almost certainly has something, though probably not unusual at that age, but how serious is another matter again. He increasingly has that sallow, hollowed out look people tend to take on when battling a chronic condition, often things like liver cancer. (My old neighbour and my great aunt looked similar but beat the condition initially and went on another 5 years or so before it resurged and got them).

That could also be down to the stress and constant pressure of the situation he has got himself in, its amazing how much that can age a person.
I've never been fully convinced he is "terminally ill", he sure dosnt look healthy, but there is just far too much speculation and wishful thinking. With little to no proof.
I'd say he almost certainly has something, though probably not unusual at that age, but how serious is another matter again. He increasingly has that sallow, hollowed out look people tend to take on when battling a chronic condition, often things like liver cancer. (My old neighbour and my great aunt looked similar but beat the condition initially and went on another 5 years or so before it resurged and got them).

The Sun has been bleating out various version of Putin having a terminal illness for years I wouldn't take much notice of them.

I am reminded of what my late father in law often said about his mother in law whenever asked how she was. "She claims she's ill, but she's been dying for years and hasn't obliged us yet" :)
I am reminded of what my late father in law often said about his mother in law whenever asked how she was. "She claims she's ill, but she's been dying for years and hasn't obliged us yet" :)
Reminds me of a joke from the late great Les Dawson once said "Darling don't worry, if your mother is at deaths door I'll pull her through".
Do we think Putin actually has cancer? The Mirror were quoting a dubious source saying he's on a third round of treatment. Maybe trying to cement his legacy (with a very unsuccessful war)?

Who actually cares? Unless he dies next Wednesday, it won't make any difference to anything.

I think all people in power like a legacy. They can't keep their power so they want to build a monument bigger than anyone else's.

Don't know why they bother. History has shown us that most legacies are dismantled in pretty short order.
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