Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Each nation has their own doctrine/ways of fighting/priorities. Most joint projects end up in failures, major design compromises just to keep all sides remotely happy. Even more a minefield than countries just building their own kit.
This is quite correct, France left the Eurofighter project for this very reason and produced the Rafale instead, which despite it's late start was already flying combat missions before the EF2000 (now renamed Typhoon due to the embarrassing fact the year 2000 had long come and gone) even entered service. While it's hard to say the Rafale is the better plane (unless you want it operating of an aircraft carrier ofc) it's hard to say it's notably worse either.

Why doesn't NATO just agree on a singular template for all the important vehicle classes as well as moulds so we can stop wasting time and mountains of money on failed projects?
Because if we did then the Americans would get to dictate a lot of it and it would result in everyone having to use a cosmic level disaster like the Bradley xD

I have heard some persuasive argument that the gun on the A10 is very far from an excellent weapon and what the A10 is actually good for is being a light bomber when the enemy has zero anti air ability. Stomping on a helpless target kinda thing.
Yeah, the A-10 is basically still in service because the people who decide what stays in service still have their heads full of the A-10 hype from the cold war when they were touted as the amazeballs solution to 10,000+ Soviet tanks rolling westwards. In fact it's now estimated that over half of the kills attributed to the A-10s in Desert Storm were actually scored by the F-111 but those in charge refused to believe the A-10 wasn't as effective as expected.

Let's just find that newspaper cover, ahh, there it is - the truth
In all fairness, Stalin did try first to convince France and Britain to make a pact with the USSR in forming a united front against Hitler's rising Germany, we refused, so instead he made a pact with Hitler in order to delay the inevitable war with Germany and buy time to prepare.

It wasn't a cool thing to do, but with hindsight being 20:20 it was the correct/right thing to do as leader of his country.
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No deal will happen until Russia are getting steamrolled - then they will accept a deal instead of full and total defeat.

The deal will have some sort of gesture that Putin can claim some victory from (everybody will know otherwise, even the Russians) then a couple of weeks later he will fall out of a window.

Maybe, though he may also fall out of a window before then too.

It doesn't necessarily need any gesture for Putin in the event of a very successful counter-offensive, Putin can sell it as whatever he wants back home. In the event that the Ukrainians drive Russia out of all Ukranian territory then he can say that they succeeded in defeating the "nazis" and that the special military operation is now over so he ordered a withdrawal.

Basically, he can say whatever he wants domestically as he controls the media... of course in the event they don't manage to push the Russians out of all of the occupied regions then there may well be some territorial concessions... but Russia is then screwed economically regardless.
It seems Egypt could a full 180 and be key supplier for Ukraine going forwards in terms of supplies of artillery and S300 missiles

Following the revelation that it planned to manufacture 40,000 122mm Sakr-45 rockets for Russia, Egypt has reportedly agreed to produce artillery shells that the United States will buy for Ukraine.

If only the EU could get their deal on shells sorted... of course they're still faffing (as per vaccines, losing the sense of urgency) with France kicking up a fuss re: only manufacturing shells within the EU etc. even though they'll be importing powder from South Korea.
By using the T-14 for indirect fire support it frees up the T-62M/T-55 for frontline duty xD

That's exactly what hat russia is doing

They are running low on spg and spg ammo, but they still have tanks so they are using tanks as indirect short range artillery - doing this prevents them from pushing forward though, because their attack vehicles are being used defensively so they have nothing to attack with
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Stricken £3.2BILLION Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales is reduced to acting as a scrap yard to keep sister ship Queen Elizabeth afloat - as questions are raised about its future
For anyone wondering what the actual story is here, the carrier currently in service needs a couple of parts that have a long lead time, so rather than leave those systems inoperable while the parts are made/delivered the RN is replacing them with the parts from the carrier in drydock. That carrier will then receive the new parts when they arrive, it's been standard practice for the RN for over 400 years.
Isn't there a saying about people in glass houses?

Stricken £3.2BILLION Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales is reduced to acting as a scrap yard to keep sister ship Queen Elizabeth afloat - as questions are raised about its future​

By Mark Nicol Defence Editor

Published: 00:42, 23 April 2023 | Updated: 01:17, 23 April 2023

Britain's £3.2 billion aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales has been reduced to acting as a scrap-yard. Essential pieces of equipment are being ripped out of the stricken warship, a move that raises questions over its long-term future.
The UK's second carrier has been in dry dock since breaking down off Portsmouth in August 2022.
Now Navy top brass have begun stripping the carrier – a process known as 'cannibalisation' – which will render HMS Prince of Wales inoperable for much longer. Lift chains, which allow fighter jets to be raised from below deck, electrical systems and sections of the ship's gas turbines have been taken out.

Successive governments have failed our armed forces, will of the people and all. Personally I am thankful for not being Russian!
Russian propagandists tell Germany it should stop sending supplies to Ukraine because it's going to need those supplies because Poland plans to invade Germany

No one believed these propagandists when they claimed over and over again that Poland is going to invade Ukraine, so they now they've switched tactic and claim its Germany that will be invaded. These people are masterminds! 5D chess! :cry:

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Russian propagandists tell Germany it should stop sending supplies to Ukraine because it's going to need those supplies because Poland plans to invade Germany

No one believed these propagandists when they claimed over and over again that Poland is going to invade Ukraine, so they now they've switched tactic and claim its Germany that will be invaded. These people are masterminds! 5D chess! :cry:

'It would have been unthinkable before'

Well, it's still nonsense now. They're sounding even more desperately hysterical than ever.
*NATO’s Stoltenberg: NATO Allies Have Delivered Almost All Promised Combat Vehicles Promised to Ukraine
*NATO’s Stoltenberg: Ukraine Now Has the Military Capabilities It Needs to Recapture Territory
*NATO’s Stoltenberg: Welcomes Xi Call With Zelenskiy but Says Doesn’t Change Fact China Has Still Not Condemned Russian Invasion of Ukraine

*Kremlin, on Phone Call Between China’s Xi and Ukraine’s Zelenskiy, Says It Welcomes Anything That Could Bring End of Conflict Closer
*But Kremlin Says It Still Needs to Achieve Its Stated Aims in Ukraine
*Kremlin, on European Expulsions of Russian Diplomats: Relations Are at Lowest Possible Level
*Kremlin: Each Wave of Expulsions Reduces Room for Diplomacy and Is Responded to in Kind
Found this. Shows how badly Russian casualties have been doing in the war

According to mr wagna guy Russian casualties are 5 per 1 Ukrainian

Well done putin

Reminds me of the term ‘sunken fallacy ‘
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