*Kremlin: We Consider It a Planned Terrorist Attack
Um, no Russia. You invaded another country and all the "special operation" nonsense doesn't change the fact that you are at war.
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*Kremlin: We Consider It a Planned Terrorist Attack
Seriously, you really think if Trump is re-elected he wont end all aid for Ukraine.Next you’ll be telling us 9/11 was an inside job.
Why is that hard to believe? It was a pipeline being shut down anyway, why not false flag it.The BBC trying to make out like Russia blew up their own pipeline and it wasn't the UK/US lolol
Seriously, you really think if Trump is re-elected he wont end all aid for Ukraine.
Not only that but he will follow up on his plan to pull USA out of NATO, don't underestimate the power Putin has over Trump, its there for all to see.
The BBC trying to make out like Russia blew up their own pipeline and it wasn't the UK/US lolol
I do not support it, but i am entirely sympathetic to it as I can understand Russia wanting a buffer zone from the bellicosity and interfering of NATO and the general moral degeneracy of Europe and the west.
The BBC trying to make out like Russia blew up their own pipeline and it wasn't the UK/US lolol
The BBC is not trying to 'make out' anything, it's simply reporting on the available information.
Russia already had a buffer zone in the form of Ukraine. Invading Ukraine only takes her closer to the West and NATO members, how does this create a buffer zone? And with the world connected by TV, satellites, internet, etc. how does land create a buffer zone against 'degeneracy'?
You haven't even tried to think this through. It's like something I'd hear from an NPC in Oblivion.
Trump told NATO to increase it's spending and stop buying Russian gas. If Putin had power over Trump, why would Trump tell the EU to stop buying gas from Russia?
I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year is a behind-the-scenes account of Mr Trump’s last year in the White House, authored by Pulitzer Prize-winning reporters Phil Rucker and Carol Leonnig.
In an excerpt published in the Washington Post, Mr Trump is said to have lost the confidence of Defense Secretary Mark Esper. According to the book, Mr Esper confided in colleagues that he was rooting for Joe Biden to win the election because he believed he cared about national security.
“Esper couldn’t say the same about Trump. In fact, Trump had privately indicated that he would seek to withdraw from Nato and to blow up the US alliance with South Korea, should he win reelection. When those alliances had come up in meetings with Esper and other top aides, some advisers warned Trump that shredding them before the election would be politically dangerous.
“Yeah, the second term,” Trump had said. “We’ll do it in the second term.”
Where is your evidence that the UK/USA blew it up? Oh right, you don't have any...
Because Trump is so toxic the moderate republicans couldn't stomach voting for him again.If Putin got Trump elected once, why didn’t he do it again to keep Biden out of the White House?
Yes, it would be rather difficult for me, or anyone, to get evidence given it would likely be conducted by special forces operating from a submarine. My bad though.
I personally don't believe Putin had power over Trump, but there's no denying that Trump's grip on international affairs was laughably poor, and he was planning to withdraw from NATO.
I don't think this had anything to do with Putin or Russia. I don't think Trump was influenced by them at all. I think he was just talking out of his arse as usual, because he simply does not understand geopolitics, and the realpolitik governing an alliance like NATO is beyond his comprehension.
Trump wanted to pull out of NATO because he considered it a waste of taxpayers' money and its aims ran contrary to his 'America first, let's stop being the world's policeman' philosophy, which is ironically a position I have some sympathy for.
Russia accused Ukraine of attacking the Kremlin with drones overnight in a failed attempt to kill Vladimir Putin, according to state-run news agencies.
The Kremlin said it considered the attack to be a “planned terrorist action” and will retaliate “whenever and wherever it sees fit”, a Tass report said.
It said two drones had been used in the alleged attack, but had been disabled by Russian defences.
The Russian president was not injured, and there was no material damage to the Kremlin buildings, the Kremlin said.
Earlier, a Russian official said a fuel depot was on fire near a key bridge linking Russia’s mainland with Crimea. The claim followed days after Moscow blamed Ukraine for an attack on an oil depot in Sevastopol.
Flames and black smoke billowed over what appeared to be large tanks emblazoned with red warnings of “Flammable” in videos posted on Russian social media, though the clip could not be independently verified.
I don't think Trump was a big fan of NATO, but this is merely speculation and hearsay, he's mentioned nothing about wanting to pull out of NATO.
If he felt the US should pull out of NATO as part of 'America First' he would just say that, because he says everything else he thinks and believes. There's almost nothing Trump thinks that he doesn't articulate.
So why do you state it. Just more made up nonsense with no basis as usual.
If the EU had any balls they'd call out the US for doing it.
You misspelled 'evidence.'
Chris doesn't put any thought into his posts, he mainly parrots stuff he's found on Facebook.You haven't even tried to think this through. It's like something I'd hear from an NPC in Oblivion.