Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I don't think Trump was a big fan of NATO, but this is merely speculation and hearsay, he's mentioned nothing about wanting to pull out of NATO. If he felt the US should pull out of NATO as part of 'America First' he would just say that, because he says everything else he thinks and believes. There's almost nothing Trump thinks that he doesn't articulate.

I hope you gave your clown nose a beautiful toot after posting this.

Trump first mentioned leaving NATO on the 2016 election trail.
The BBC trying to make out like Russia blew up their own pipeline and it wasn't the UK/US lolol

Just FYI there's no one who seriously thinks Russia blew up their own pipeline. There's just no benefit to them in doing that. The US has wanted Nordstream ending since it's conception.

There's a ton of articles prior to the invasion discussing American views on Nordstream.

Interesting interview with Professor Phillips O’Brien, head of the School of International Relations at the University of St Andrews on Ukraine and Russia.

You should listen to this podcast as the professor has said from day 1 that it was Russia and it seems he has been proved right. Hey but what would an expert know.
I personally don't believe Putin had power over Trump, but there's no denying that Trump's grip on international affairs was laughably poor, and he was planning to withdraw from NATO.

I don't think this had anything to do with Putin or Russia. I don't think Trump was influenced by them at all. I think he was just talking out of his arse as usual, because he simply does not understand geopolitics, and the realpolitik governing an alliance like NATO is beyond his comprehension.

Trump wanted to pull out of NATO because he considered it a waste of taxpayers' money and its aims ran contrary to his 'America first, let's stop being the world's policeman' philosophy, which is ironically a position I have some sympathy for.
You have to be an idiot to not see what's before your very eyes.

Lets talk a few facts, where does trump get all his money? Russia that's where, his moron son boasted about them getting all the money they need from Russia. You don't think that comes with strings attached?

Let's talk about those interviews when the word cup was on, when they were both at the podium and hard questions were asked, Trump defended Putin over his own intelligence services, praising him at the same time

His body language was telling too, he looked like the scared little schoolboy in the headmasters office

Trump wanted to pull USA out of NATO, he would have too if he got his second term.

Trump may have said a few things looking like he was being hard on Russia but what did he do about it himself, nothing absolutely nothing, it was all just deflection.

Even now all his MAGA morons support Putin in this war, MGT etc calling on all Ukraine aid to be stopped, lucky they have republicans who wont play ball with that though.

So yea Trump wanted to be the ultimate dictator, he envied his lover Kim Jong Un telling us about the beautiful love letters etc to and from a monster who kills his generals with anti aircraft guns and Putin's ultimate power, its what he aspired to be, a dictator lording it over all his minions.

In a way he has succeeded, his MAGA morons really do think he's a God

In a nutshell he needs Russia, God know how deep he into them moneywise but yes it buys loyalty, Putin probably honey trapped him to god father style.
Lets talk a few facts, where does trump get all his money? Russia that's where, his moron son boasted about them getting all the money they need from Russia. You don't think that comes with strings attached?

That's clearly nonsense, his wealth is from real estate mostly in the US. That's basically it.

He's not a good businessman, quite the opposite, he's had multiple failed businesses over the years but he's wealthy simply because he was long real estate over a few decades after inheriting real estate from his wealthy father.

I think perhaps you're confusing things like him selling his property in Florida to some Oligarch or maybe some Russian nationals investing in some real estate venture in NYC.

Anyway it seems rather silly to try and use things like that as an argument, there are plenty of things to criticise Trump over w.r.t his views on NATO, Russia and Ukraine without needing to indulge in fantasy/conspiracy theories.
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I don't think it's fantasy to presume that the intentionally vague barriers between state/criminal enterprise that defines Russian governance and has done for decades may have their fingers in other vaguely criminal enterprises... like New York's Real Estate elites. Anyway only barely relevant with him outside the Whitehouse, thankfully.
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From the same people trying to convince you the U.S blew up nordstream

Ok man, I highlighted the specific point in the video, but if Joe Biden telling you what the US would do if Russia invaded, which they did, isn't enough then you're beyond convincing.
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Ok man, I highlighted the specific point in the video, but if Joe Biden telling you what the US would do if Russia invaded, which they did, isn't enough then you're beyond convincing.
You're saying they did with no evidence other than the desire to stop it, that's not proof.

Thus there is plenty of space for a Russian false flag to attribute blame to the US as a means to drive a wedge between Berlin and Washington.
You're saying they did with no evidence other than the desire to stop it, that's not proof.

Thus there is plenty of space for a Russian false flag to attribute blame to the US as a means to drive a wedge between Berlin and Washington.

There is no evidence for either side to have done it. Everyone is guessing.

This is like two bald men fighting over a comb.
You're saying they did with no evidence other than the desire to stop it, that's not proof.

Thus there is plenty of space for a Russian false flag to attribute blame to the US as a means to drive a wedge between Berlin and Washington.

You're quoting a video in which Joe Biden says verbatim the US will put an end to Nordstream 2 if Russia invades, and you're blaming it on Russia. I mean this goes beyond absurdity now.
Yes, it would be rather difficult for me, or anyone, to get evidence given it would likely be conducted by special forces operating from a submarine. My bad though.

Yet you happily say that it was the USA that blew it up, without any evidence at all.
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