Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Surely the Russian ultimatum is good news?

Previously the Russians were perhaps forcing Ukraine to make the first move. Yes the Russians had brought in all the troops, the boat, and surrounded the Ukrainian base etc. But none of that had been violent, it was just I'm bigger than you bullying. If Ukraine had gone and defended themselves then they would have delivered the first punch and been seen as the bad guys (like how some people see what happened in Georgia).

Now that Russia has said "or else we attack" Ukraine should sit back and do nothing. Then Russia come & attack and boom, Russia definitively were the ones that started it.

They would also lose a lot of military personal - would that really be worth it?
Tbh, this exposes the EU as the unless organization they really are.

Out of interest what would you have them do? impose sanctions on the country that supplies 1/3 their gas because it's meddling with a country that isn't an EU member?

I'm not saying they should/shouldn't do anything just wondering what your thoughts are on it.

Now that Russia has said "or else we attack" Ukraine should sit back and do nothing. Then Russia come & attack and boom, Russia definitively were the ones that started it.

The thing I don't understand is, Russia have allegedly given this ultimatum (they deny it, which they would ofc) to a Ukrainian base that had it's power/communications cut days ago.

How did we hear about it?
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Wow, this is crazy brinksmanship! I have no idea what Russia is going to succeed by being so provocative, surely the counter revolution in Crimea has got enough momentum already to split off from Ukraine?
looks to me like the west sneakly grabbed ukraine and now russia is grabbing it back.

"No UK military intervention in ukraine" - Number 10
They must call an emergency session of the UN general assembly.

If Russia attacks, it will put east west relations back 20 years.

Tbh, this exposes the EU as the unless organization they really are.

Are Ukraine an EU member state?

looks to me like the west sneakly grabbed ukraine and now russia is grabbing it back.

"No UK military intervention in ukraine" - Number 10

Sneakily grabbed? No-one took Ukraine, it is it's own state.

Kruschev (read: Russia) gave Crimea to Ukraine, but no-one has taken anything else.
Kruschev (read: Russia) gave Crimea to Ukraine, but no-one has taken anything else.

I understand what you mean but it's not really that simple though as Russia owned Ukraine at the time so it was more of a manoeuvring of assets.

A good analogy would be a guy moves something into his wife's name, then they get divorced and she holds onto it. Except the it in this case contains a large amount of people who want to be with the husband (I am tempted to use children in this analogy but it may get creepy :P).

This is BBC so may not be accurate but, zero hour:

He also reportedly told two warships to surrender or be attacked at 17:00 GMT on Monday.
Are Ukraine an EU member state?

No, but the EU should pose a credible enough threat to deter crisis like this happening on it's own doorstep. The EU offered moral support to Ukraine during the demonstrations, but now things have got physical, its voice is non-existent.

Russia clearly feel they can act with impunity, because in reality, they can.

We had 40 years Russian domination of Eastern Europe. The vast majority were glad to see the back of them. Russia has no right to interfere like this once again, no matter how the situation arose.

The EU has a responsibility to prevent outside interference and annexations in Europe.

Can you imagine the US allowing a similar situation in central America?
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Hard to say really right now - thing is some of those who have come into power in the Ukraine are zealous, idealistic, ultranationalists - its a bit like having a mixture of the BNP and Combat 18 getting hold of the keys to #10 :S so its a little worrying tbh that they might do something stupid in regard to the Crimea.

Did they repeal the law banning symbols like the nazi and other offensive symbols, or is that just propaganda from Russia Today news channel?
Not only that, but I read a report this morning that said Europe has 4 years worth of gas held in storage prompted by the last time Russia turned off the taps. Might be overstating the case a little bit, but just goes to show that Putin doesn't have us over the barrel his fanbois in this forum think he does.

I'd be suprised if any one country had stores approaching a year let alone four. Maybe if you added up all the stores of all the EU countries together. I'd say we have maybe 60 days stored, maybe more due to the warmer winter we've had.

We don't import much gas from Russia, majority or ours comes from Norway. The trouble is if Russia start limiting supply, places like Germany will have to turn to someone else...You have Qatar and the US i suppose.

What we import from Russia is coal. Still, who needs nuclear power stations...
Thanks a lot WW2 Allies... all their fault.

If we let the Nazi's knock out the Russians, this wouldnt be happening and we would be living in a world full of peace.

And yes that includes the Middle East as old Jewville wouldnt be created right in the middle of Arab lands.
Did they repeal the law banning symbols like the nazi and other offensive symbols, or is that just propaganda from Russia Today news channel?

Not quite sure what the first bit has anything to do with it, for the second I've not followed the Russian media on the matter.
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