Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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we should grab Scotland whilst no one is looking :P

While not ruling that idea out I'd prefer conquering a warm place, like we did in the old days, as long as we move enough brits in to out vote them we can say we're bringing freedom and democracy, Spain or Portugal perhaps.
Not quite sure what the first bit has anything to do with it, for the second I've not followed the Russian media on the matter.

It has a fair bit to do with the situation, as Russia constantly states that the uprising was a coup led by right-wing neo-nazi and fascist groups.

If the government repealed a law banning offensive symbols such as the Nazi version of the Swastika.

If true it gives the Russian's claims some credibility.

I've not heard anything about it from our media.
we should grab Scotland whilst no one is looking :P

Noooooooooooo, forget scotland, who needs an olympic curling team. I say we do a bit of conquering on Ireland. Out with the curling, in with the hurling. What a coup! I don't think anybody has noticed, but we already have a nifty foot hold there ;)

Ill get the flag. Who is bringing the biscuits?
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Sorry if i've not kept up with the debate here but...

If Ireland had become united, then later on the IRA / Sinn Fein supporters protested until they got power, then were being vocal about their ideas for what to do with the Northern protestant population. Wouldn't it make sense that the UK "annexed" NI peacefully with no shots "to observe peace as an ally and a neighbour for people that hold joint citizenship with them" whilst ireland formed a government? Ofcourse there are differences with Crimea, but i can't help but feel that Russia are doing the absolute sensible thing here. They are defending those ("their own") that are being verbally slurred by an arguably illegitimate new power in the country. The majority (i accept there are also a fair amount of true Ukrainians and Muslims in Crimea) want Russia to keep them safe in these dificult weeks / months. There's no way the UN / NATO etc would've approved Russia to look after it themselves, even though they know the region very well. Russia's "invasion" is arguably more legit, peaceful and "righteous" than anything the west has done to other countries recently. I'd be interested to hear your counter arguments to this

The West sounds increasingly hypocritical, greedy and generally ignorant of "regional world affairs", though i guess that's not too much of a change. The world should be looking at what Western Ukraine and Eastern Ukraine want....rather than fighting for it all or nothing and not suiting the populations needs.
So you think that Russia should be able to grab chunks of eastern ukraine wherre thers a majoriy speaking population? Id also be interested wher you think a country in the West has annexed another country on the basis that the majority population speak their language? Last time I think that happened was Germany 1939? If you look at the basis for this kind of action, youre essentially legitimising the naturalisation of countries. For instance, Tibet. How much longer before its majority chinese, and then thats Chinese territory right? You could rewrite the world map on that basis.
So you think that Russia should be able to grab chunks of eastern ukraine wherre thers a majoriy speaking population? Id also be interested wher you think a country in the West has annexed another country on the basis that the majority population speak their language? Last time I think that happened was Germany 1939? If you look at the basis for this kind of action, youre essentially legitimising the naturalisation of countries. For instance, Tibet. How much longer before its majority chinese, and then thats Chinese territory right? You could rewrite the world map on that basis.

sure if we can annex every English speaking country

I say we reclaim Australia first
If Russia is allowed to invade a Sovereign Nation and make a land-grab based solely on a language spoken by a high percentage of the people living in that area, then doesn't it set a dangerous precedent?

I bet that mad ****, Kim Jung-un, is rubbing his hands with anticipation.
If Russia is allowed to invade a Sovereign Nation and make a land-grab based solely on a language spoken by a high percentage of the people living in that area, then doesn't it set a dangerous precedent?

I bet that mad ****, Kim Jung-un, is rubbing his hands with anticipation.

if you have nukes you can do what you want.
So you think that Russia should be able to grab chunks of eastern ukraine wherre thers a majoriy speaking population? Id also be interested wher you think a country in the West has annexed another country on the basis that the majority population speak their language? Last time I think that happened was Germany 1939? If you look at the basis for this kind of action, youre essentially legitimising the naturalisation of countries. For instance, Tibet. How much longer before its majority chinese, and then thats Chinese territory right? You could rewrite the world map on that basis.

FAIL, i said nothing about language or long term invasion. My point is that Russia willingly gave Crimea to Ukraine as part of Soviet territories. When Ukraine went independent it took the region - fine.

The country is a free for all, Russia is not annexing a country for long term growth and to take it as its own, it merely ensuring the people in a small "minory majority" region are safe and well. Perhaps i am wrong, but last time i checked when Russia did this with South Ossettia they haven't gained a great deal from it, other than giving the people in that region exactly what they want - that is what governments and armed forces are there for. To stop civilian clashes and free for all.

Crimea being kept "calm" under Russia is a lot better than what would be happening now if Russia had just asked and obeyed while other International organisation did nothing. There is a lot of bad feelings for the Tatars, rightly so, and now would be an optimum time for them to get "revenge". If we knew the IRA was going to do stuff to "british" families we'd do something as there'd be so much public pressure.

My example of Ireland is because there'd be huge pressure on the UK govt from Ireland-linked families to protect them. Russia is merely doing that at the moment. Discussio nneeds to be had with them, rather than the US and the rest of the G7 acting like complete buffoons putting Sanctions on them because "hey we want to control what happens in a country nearer to you than us". If you think they are going to encourage Ukraine to work itself out you're delusional.
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Thanks a lot WW2 Allies... all their fault.

If we let the Nazi's knock out the Russians, this wouldnt be happening and we would be living in a world full of peace.

And yes that includes the Middle East as old Jewville wouldnt be created right in the middle of Arab lands.

Jewville? leave it out.

We couldn't allow the Nazi's to continue, there was one plan suggested by Patton that could have worked after the Nazi's had fallen from power. Reform and rearm the still capable defeated German units into the American 3rd army to push the Russians back to their own borders.
*Sigh* massively depressing Nick Robinson BBC News report on a photograph of a Secret document being carried into Downing St by a "senior official". The general gist of it was that the UK government was going to put City of London self-interest ahead of human rights in Ukraine and their right for self determination by not closing the City to the Russian oligarchs.

I know the US and UK have lost a lot of moral authority over Iraq (more reasons why Blair needs to be arrested and tried imo), but I really do think that unless there are serious consequences for Russia over their aggression here then Putin won't stop at the Crimea.
What I don't understand is what's the UN doing right now?

Why will it take till Thursday for the EU to meet, when Russia can deploy an attack force tomorrow AM? It could be over before the EU even meet up...

isn't the point of deputy PM s so the real PM can respond to crisis immediately while their duty deputises their day to day work?
What I don't understand is what's the UN doing right now?

Why will it take till Thursday for the EU to meet, when Russia can deploy an attack force tomorrow AM? It could be over before the EU even meet up...

isn't the point of deputy PM s so the real PM can respond to crisis immediately while their duty deputises their day to day work?

They are doing precisely what putin anticipated.

Not a whole lot.

The west problem is we have no leaders with a backbone just rich leaches out for the interests of their friends and families

We can't upset the flow of Russian cash into their friends companies and pockets!

Oh dear, youre a little upset. Maybe calm down a little first eh, its just a discussion.

Your reasoning is pretty bizarre. Near as I can figure youre suggesting that russia is invading to pre-empt a tartar attack on native russians in Crimea? So we could invade the Republic on that basis if the IRA were threatening british people in Northern Ireland? Wow.

Yes, theoretically we could. I dont think theres much point carrying on this discussion so i'll leave you to it. Have a good night.
Oh dear, youre a little upset. Maybe calm down a little first eh, its just a discussion.

Your reasoning is pretty bizarre. Near as I can figure youre suggesting that russia is invading to pre-empt a tartar attack on native russians in Crimea? So we could invade the Republic on that basis if the IRA were threatening british people in Northern Ireland? Wow.

Yes, theoretically we could. I dont think theres much point carrying on this discussion so i'll leave you to it. Have a good night.

I said FAIL, i didn't give you a tirade! I think that's reasonable. Yes, i believe if the IRA were threatening that then we may well go in there, if talks / NATO / EU / UN action was not being given. There are differences, but i'm trying to give some Western people a perspective, this isn't all just Putin's baby.

I'm not saying their sole reason is pre-empting a Tatar attack, i'm saying that they are going in there to stabilize the situation. Tatars, Russia - Ukrainian nationalization and in turn tensions. Ukraine isn't part of the EU or NATO, its still closest to Russia therefore at the moment it still does look to Russia as its overseer rather than the US like most other EU / NATO countries. The new government may change that, but most of Eastern Ukraine don't like that. The new government is only Kiev backed, so i think its wrong for the West to claim that they should be able to do what they like.
News earlier had video of Ukrainians protesting outside the Russian embassy in Kiev about the Russian invasion. Just stood there holding placards.
No breaking in, no setting fire, no looting... just protesting peacefully.
It was the same with the presidents mansions - they just took photos and didn't trash anything. The Ukrainian protestors have been amazingly well behaved throughout this!
*Sigh* massively depressing Nick Robinson BBC News report on a photograph of a Secret document being carried into Downing St by a "senior official". The general gist of it was that the UK government was going to put City of London self-interest ahead of human rights in Ukraine and their right for self determination by not closing the City to the Russian oligarchs.

Nothing's changed then?

If you think we just go into these wars for humanitarian reasons you must have only been born yesterday, our government won't even help the poor in this country they aren't going to spend billions launching foreign invasions/occupations on humanitarian grounds, that's just the propaganda fed to the masses to get support.

We go in to replace governments and grab resources under the guise of humanitarianism, hence why we're happy arm the governments and see people die in places like Bahrain, they're already dancing to our tune.
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