Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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It's fairly obvious the West isn't willing to do anything useful like this. We should promise military support to Ukraine should Russian military powers enter the area outside of Crimea and seize all assets owned by Russian oligarchs, revoke their visas and those of their families, and throw all Russian interests out of stock markets as well as general sanctions against Russia until it withdraws from Crimea.

We'll do not a thing in reality.
Oh dear god, One of his predictions is going to come true.

In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China, and Europe.
The United States counter attacks.
The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won.
The European Union and China were also destroyed.[10]
This is from Wiki John Titor.
In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China, and Europe.

I do not believe nuclear weapons are on the table. If it comes to war and the west takes the ground war into Russia it could be but until that point the costs to Russia are simply too high.
Truly is a most ridiculous situation if Nick Robinson's report is true about no sanctions being imposed on Russia by the UK.

The idea that one country can simply waltz into another, seize territory on claims of race and language, and seemingly get away with it scott-free.

And they will get away with it. Can't see much happening now unless Ukrainian forces become trigger happy. Putin's forces will just sit on the Crimea until its independence vote at the end of the month and it will have achieved everything it set out to.

At least the US seems willing to apply sanctions, at least according to latest BBC news.
Truly is a most ridiculous situation if Nick Robinson's report is true about no sanctions being imposed on Russia by the UK.

I like to think that we've woken up and we're playing Putin at his own game, and we'll announce surprise sanctions that will catch everyone off guard and will be doubly effective. However that's only what I'd like to think, what I actually think is that we've been especially incompetent ... again.
I must say, its almost hilarious seeing the utter uselessness of the west against such an upfront Russia.

To continue to do nothing is inviting Russia to become bolder.
What I don't understand is what's the UN doing right now?

Most likely what it's predecessor the league of nations was doing while Hitler and Mussolini were walking into other countries at will: talking.

Why will it take till Thursday for the EU to meet, when Russia can deploy an attack force tomorrow AM? It could be over before the EU even meet up...

To be blunt, because it's "just" Ukraine. had Putin invaded Poland he would currently have the combined military's of 35 countries flying down his throat (hence why he would never do that lol). But Ukraine isn't in NATO or the EU, it doesn't have the same kind of support/importance.

I like to think that we've woken up and we're playing Putin at his own game, and we'll announce surprise sanctions that will catch everyone off guard and will be doubly effective. However that's only what I'd like to think, what I actually think is that we've been especially incompetent ... again.

All western companies outlaw Vodka, the Russian economy implodes overnight :D
The idea that one country can simply waltz into another, seize territory on claims of race and language, and seemingly get away with it scott-free.

Nothing NATO has not done in the past look at Iraq for example... were they punish for it no? I blame NATO for this mess they quickly support neo nazi government when Viktor Yanukovych was kicked out who rejected the EU deal. Why do NATO support these neo nazi's? as they accept the IMF Loan and the EU demands which will eventually lead to NATO bases in in Ukraine and the Ukraine people will suffer the most.

I just wish we could live in world where the world superpowers stop treating other country's like pawns on chessboard for their own Geopolitical gain.
Maybe Hague and Kerry could do their next public condemnation of Russia from an airbase in Afghanistan... just for added irony.

Russia has pulled off a good move here and the outrage over this from the west is as silly and hypocritical as the original outrage from Russia re: the Kiev protestors taking over. The vast majority of the population in Crimea have always considered themselves Russian, they were Russian until a few decades ago - I doubt they had much say in being given away to Ukraine under the old USSR...

Yes its a sovereign state and officially Russia hasn't gone through the correct channels... then again they'd be blocked by us, the USA, France etc.. if they had purely out of self interest reasons.... while it is in our interests that Ukraine is as powerful as possible and is in bed with the EU its simply not what the population of that autonomous territory wants. Russia has managed to both invade and cut off that territory, complete with lots of the population coming out to welcome Russian troops and they've done so, so far, without even firing a shot.... While it isn't in our personal interests Putin has played it very well and overall its what that local population wants. States don't exist to own their populations they exist to protect and serve them... this isn't some bum**** town declaring independence its a clearly defined autonomous region, with its own ethnic identity (Russian) and only a short history as part of the Ukraine.
When will people understand that countries like USA, Russia China etc can essentially do whatever the hell the want as long as it doesn't directly affect one of the others. None of these countries will risk an all out war by getting involved in the others business any more than useless sanctions etc.
Ukraine's ousted President Yanukovych has asked Russia to use military force in Ukraine - Russia's UN envoy

Here's the important part of a photocopy of the letter read out by the Russian envoy to the UN, which he says was sent by ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to Vladimir Putin: "In view of this [events in Ukraine], I ask the president of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, to use the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to restore legality, peace, law and order and stability, and to protect the population of Ukraine, (Signed) Viktor Yanukovych, 1 March 2014".

BBC news.
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What I don't understand is what's the UN doing right now?

Why will it take till Thursday for the EU to meet, when Russia can deploy an attack force tomorrow AM? It could be over before the EU even meet up...

isn't the point of deputy PM s so the real PM can respond to crisis immediately while their duty deputises their day to day work?

to be honest there's not a right lot they can do about it short of going to war with russia, which nobody wants.

Its regime change time for the Ukraine, except this time instead of the USA driving tanks into the capital, it's Russia's turn.

The Russian's regime change to restore a pro russian government in Ukraine will be no more legitimate than the regime change the USA and UK made in Iraq.

Russia objected to the USA invasion of Iraq, just as the USA now does of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Still won't stop both of these happening however.
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