Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I suspect that Prigozhin has found out or suspects that one of these apparent attacks on Wagner was actually an assassination attempt, and probably believes his hand has been forced, but that he actually might have enough support/resources to put a genuine challenge against the MOD. Not necessarily with a view to topple Putin, but if the opportunity arose, he’d take it.

I say that as second guessing what is in Russian Oligarch’s mind half a world away, not that it’s a realistic scenario.

The unrest this must be causing in the Russian civilian population however is nuts. We talk about them being affected by the war coming home, but nobody expected this!
Amazing turn of events!

So... Civil war, or the biggest "we have to return our forces to Russia urgently" play between wagner and Putin? I.e. a save face attempt of leaving Ukraine, that will then magically be resolved somehow later.

Wouldn't that be a Special Civil Operation?
I suspect they'll bait Wagner to approach Moscow and then pull a Highway of Death air assault on them.
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Be interesting to see if there are mass defections from the Russian Military to Wagner now . I’m sure all Wagner have to do is renounce the Ukraine invasion and the regular Russian army would then defect on mass .

Its what the west have been waiting to happen I’m sure but I think you could potentially be replacing one monster with another!
It really feels like Puty and Pringle have planned this as a way out of Ukraine, hang a couple of generals.

It would work, and let Puty save face. But I doubt he'd take it as he's on the record of saying those 4 new invaded / annexed regions of Ukraine are Russia's forever. So he's locked in (PR wise). It's mebbe an e tu Bruti moment.
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Poor Roar87 will be crying into his borscht at the news mother Russia is in turmoil

Oh if you want a good chuckle, just go back and search Chris Wilsons posts
I think the fans of the EU and NATO are about to see how weak and fragmented the union actually is when under pressure,

We are in the midst of seeing what a powerful nation can do, unfettered by her being dragged back by liberal wets who have left us wanting, industrially, militarily and psychologically.

The Russians are used to hardship, accept orders and discipline, are as tough as old boots, and from the ones I know over here would be a first choice to have alongside me if there was any physical argy-bargy going on. Their national pride is exemplary and their willingness to fight for it evident from WW2 to today's Russian football hooligans ;) Underestimate them at your peril!

The laughs are endless!
This is not a staged thing to give Putin a way out of Ukraine. This is a maniac with with a private Army acting out a personal vendetta against his Russian army counterparts.

The only off ramp Putin wants is one where this is ended with him still in power and they go back to fighting Ukraine.
Trying to force 25,000 contractors (mercs) to become public servants was never going to end well. And given they have evoked the anti-terror regs in Moscow - now those 25,000 are declared terrorists. My guess is they'll be feelin very bitter.
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