Could this mean a sudden end to the war? That would be quite something..
So... Civil war, or the biggest "we have to return our forces to Russia urgently" play between wagner and Putin? I.e. a save face attempt of leaving Ukraine, that will then magically be resolved somehow later.
Apparently there are reports of Wagner having downed two Russian helos.
It really feels like Puty and Pringle have planned this as a way out of Ukraine, hang a couple of generals.
Poor Roar87 will be crying into his borscht at the news mother Russia is in turmoil
I think the fans of the EU and NATO are about to see how weak and fragmented the union actually is when under pressure,
We are in the midst of seeing what a powerful nation can do, unfettered by her being dragged back by liberal wets who have left us wanting, industrially, militarily and psychologically.
The Russians are used to hardship, accept orders and discipline, are as tough as old boots, and from the ones I know over here would be a first choice to have alongside me if there was any physical argy-bargy going on. Their national pride is exemplary and their willingness to fight for it evident from WW2 to today's Russian football hooligansUnderestimate them at your peril!