Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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The Committee of Bashkir Resistance, a separatist partisan group in Bashkortostan, Russia, have reacted to ongoing events with Prigozhin and seem to be seizing the moment: "we recommend that all residents of large cities in the republic of Bashkortostan leave the city. Things will start soon."
Legit? Unrest Spreading further through Russia? Not familiar with this region's beef with Moscow. Anyone know more detail on this one? History behind it?
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Think this is just opinion pieces, right?

Its the problem with "seeing reports............." type posts without those reports also being posted to corroborate/examine both the provided report plus the source who made the report etc. In the end it's all just dudes on the internet guessing as the people directly involved are very probably busy fighting/moving location right now.
Its the problem with "seeing reports............." type posts without those reports also being posted to corroborate/examine both the provided report plus the source who made the report etc. In the end it's all just dudes on the internet guessing as the people directly involved are very probably busy fighting/moving location right now.
32 years ago the Gulf War was the first live on tv war. Now its live in the action on twitter. TV news is too slow

All the fault of NATO. If only they had accepted Ukraine into the fold, Russia would have been unable/unwilling to invade and this would have prevented Russia from having to arm its own nazi groups, thus preventing Russian civil war. Bloody NATO and their non-expansionist (not-expansionist enough) defence pact at it again.
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Legit? Unrest Spreading further through Russia? Not familiar with this region's beef with Moscow. Anyone know more detail on this one? History behind it?
I won't pretend to know all the history of every region of Russia but an educated guess would be being it's a '...stan' it's going to be a largely Muslim region and there's a good chance it has historically grievances from being subsumed into Russia by Christians.
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