Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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From Dmitry Peskov:

* All Wagner soldiers who participated in this coup can return to Russia, there will be no punishment

* All Wagner soldiers who did not participate will sign contracts with the Russian MoD and continue their work in Ukraine

* Prigozhin has been exiled and will not be allowed to return to Russia, Lukashenko has offered Prigozhin a home in Belarus and Russia will leave him be
Very strange. Initially I thought this was to be a victory for Prigozhin and he was going to be given more power while Shoigu would be sacked, but now it looks like a complete defeat. What was the point in doing it if he didn't get anything out of it?

Why didn't he go through with it? Is 25K battle hardened men not enough? I thought that most of what remains of the Russian army was busy in Ukraine.
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He was expecting a more general uprising. Which never happened.

That is partly why Russia started implementing martial law in preparation.
He didnt give it much time if thats the case. If he'd closed on Moscow maybe more would follow ?

Seems a bit like the attempted coup in Turkey, rapidly fizzled out when the rest of military failed to join.
Assuming this was genuine then this agreement is irrelevant, as if there's going to be zero punishment for almost toppling the system and chickening out at the last moment...

These dudes are going to find themselves with slit throats and being used as fodder.

My guess is that Prigozhin hoped he could get all the way to the Kremlin without a fight, but it was looking more like the defenders in Moscow would fight and Prigozhin decided he either doesn't want to fight or he doesn't have enough soldiers to fight and called it quits
Sorry that would see the use of article 5, as the US has already stated.

To be fair a couple of Senators have proposed legislation that a "nuclear cloud" affecting NATO allies would trigger Article 5 but the US Govt certainly hasn't stated that

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