Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I think many in the media, social media and the general public thought the counter offensive would be a tank rush using invincible armour and call of duty quality soldiers because we are the good guys..

I don't think it was so much that setting expectations, but the dramatic successes Ukraine achieved earlier in the war, towards the end of last year, when Russian troops basically melted away in from of them and they captured thousands of square kilometres over mere days. That set unrealistic expectations for this stage of the war, where things are tougher for all the reasons you outline.
There isn't a stalemate.
Its active combat with probably 95% of the gains being Ukrainian.

IMO slower progress with the thoughts to keeping as many of their people alive is 100% better than a zerg rush to keep short attention span people "interested"

There is still 2 months+ when the ground will be good for armour. There is plenty of time.
In many areas the Ukrainian forces are starting to reach the main first line of the Main Russian defences.

I hope you are right. The strategy isn’t clear at the moment. But they clearly still have far more difficult challenges ahead than anything they have faced so far.
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The air war makes me a bit leery - even assuming Russian capabilities aren't even half what they are on paper they still have capable AWACs support for their SU-35s, etc. as well as their S-300/400 complexes - you can't even send F-16s up against that without superior AWACs datalinks and better stand off range munitions, especially if not giving them a setup and free hand to take the war to Russia in that respect and force them to pull their air support back deeper into Russia.

Yeap, but "non-experts" are busy creaming themselves over the F-16 like its a wonder weapon which will just instantly win the war, just like they did for the TB-2 drone, Javlin, NLAW, HIMARS, Storm Shadow, Challenger 2/Leopard/Abrams and every other bit of western kit we slowly funnel into Ukraine.

These people have NO idea about modern warfare and their 5 second social media based attention span just can't cope with "slow and steady wins the race" in modern peer/peer warfare when in their mind, the offensive should have been a "Rush B Blyat" like Gulf War 1 etc. Thats not how this was ever going to play out and these "wonder weapons" Ukraine is slowly getting would need the full spectrum of NATO/US capability to be fully effective, and as the dribs & drabs of Western kit Ukraine has so far can't be combined into that "full spectrum", they'll never have NATO/US like results. Anyone with even an ounce of military knowledge knows that.

As you mentioned, just giving them F-16's does very little unless they get the rest of the NATO/US airpower force multipliers like tankers, EW, DEAD/SEAD, Rivet Joint, AWACS, JSTARS, because right now this very minute Russia already has all those force multipliers, alongside Fighters with greater range, weapons load, longer ranged missiles etc and Ukraine doesn't. So no, those who think just giving Ukraine a bunch of F-16's will be the single missing piece which turns the tide are wrong, and every-time they say it they jut show their inexperience. Thats not to say F-16's won't be useful in limited situations of course, but people should be very careful with their expectations.

In the end, sadly those screaming loudest about something they've got no clue about, as always, get the most attention and when things don't go the way they expect they have no ability to self reflect and instead want to blame people or become defeated when reality is different to whatever ideas are running wild in their head.
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Over optimistic expectations weren't ever likely to be met.

Patience is key, along with realistic expectations of what is priority and what progress looks like.

The UK, and others, need to stay the course. That means further support, and more realistic expectations in the short-term.

I noticed it includes helicopters and planes shot down in May, that explains why Russian aircraft inside Russia randomly had that large increase in crashes
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I don’t think a drone would have a chance of hitting one of the fast moving vehicles. They’ve only been hitting slow or stationary objects as far I can see.

See videos of Ukrainian suecide drones chasing down fast moving Russian transports on twitter
Is it that hard to copy the twitter summaries direct to the forum instead of this blind dumbass linking?

Am not creating a twitter account and nitter seems bust. Why can't people switch to Mastodon?
Don't know what Mastodon is like but it looks like @Tendar is posting there. He is not too bad for updates.

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Don't know what Mastodon is like but it looks like @Tendar is posting there. He is not too bad for updates.

A few others like OSINTTechnical, noelreports and so on have backup accounts on there they post to regularly. Can't see Faytuks - they seem to be one of the channels rapidly posting information when it appears online.
A few others like OSINTTechnical, noelreports and so on have backup accounts on there they post to regularly. Can't see Faytuks - they seem to be one of the channels rapidly posting information when it appears online.

Good spot, here is noelreports

Got to be a mix up, with the amount of systems in use in Ukraine there is going to be mix ups sometimes.

Probably a mix up but I've been curious if the NLAW can knock out helis in the right circumstances (fairly limited) and the Javelin definitely is capable of it in the right circumstances - they've been modified for limited roles like that before.
Is it that hard to copy the twitter summaries direct to the forum instead of this blind dumbass linking?

Am not creating a twitter account and nitter seems bust. Why can't people switch to Mastodon?

Because when people link the "official" post on twitter, everyone else can see it, read it, parse it and see what account it came from.

When they copy paste it into the forums, we have no such "supporting evidence".. meaning it could just be someone typing utterly made-up crap.

I would rather see 10 twitter links, than 1 "regurgitated post" from someone with 0 way to corroborate the claim(s) made.

TL;DR... It's a YOU problem.
Just co-link it with the original twitter link, not hard.

Issue solved than sucking Moscovite Elons wanger.

Or, you could just read the content of the post and not cry over what platform it's on or who owns it.

Srsly... Sucking elon's wanger? What are you, 12?

Grow up, read the content of the twitter posts and stop crying like a baby about the platform it's posted to.

Nobody cares if you don't like Twitter, or Elon. NOBODY.
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