Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Videos of war are clearly not for you. People are going to enjoy the schadenfreude of invaders that have raped and pillaged their way across a country getting their justice on the battlefield and of course being taken out of the battle making a Ukrainian victory more possible. The more that die and get injured, the better it is for Ukraine. When you have videos of Russians pretending to surrender but actually planning to kill the Ukrainian soldiers accepting their surrender with a grenade, any sympathy for their fate is hard to find.

They're not something I want to search out and watch, no.

While I want Russia to lose and lose hard, I'm not keen on people getting all sweaty and excited about snuff videos.

People are just making excuses for watching snuff videos. They justify this, on the grounds they are on the right side.

i don't see it as any different to people watching Islamic State videos- and some would no doubt rationalise watching those.
They're not something I want to search out and watch, no.

While I want Russia to lose and lose hard, I'm not keen on people getting all sweaty and excited about snuff videos.

People are just making excuses for watching snuff videos. They justify this, on the grounds they are on the right side.

i don't see it as any different to people watching Islamic State videos- and some would no doubt rationalise watching those.

Then don't search them out and watch them. However I don't think people need to rationalise it. Its happening, in some countries its shown on the news. I'm sure videos of Ukrainians being killed or injured the same posters would find horrific and upsetting. We've chosen a side in this and Russian soldiers have proven themselves little better than German/Japanese soldiers in WW2 and some of their actions are what we saw IS carry out. So frankly **** them, if they don't want to die, they can go home.
The BBC show them at times, but highly desensitised.

IMO a careful line has to be drawn. People need to be aware of the horrors of war.
But unnecessary death being shown is too far the other way.

I tend to watch the trench fighting type stuff, but not the ones of grenades being dropped on people. I have seen enough of those to know what the end result looks like.
They are random strangers to the people gaining pleasure from watching their preferred snuff videos. Those people must be delighted to have found a way to "justify" their pleasures.

The same combination of dehumanisation and pleasure in the suffering and death of others is what's found in the most savage of war criminals. The biggest difference between those people and the people they're using as "justification" is circumstances. I've no doubt they'd be raping and torturing and murdering if they were in a war and could get away with it. Or at least that they'd want to do so. The mentality is identical.

Many of the Russians invading Ukraine don't really know what's happening or what has happened. They don't have access to information other than the propaganda they've been fed. They've been told they're defending their country from an attack by NATO Nazis. That they're liberators, not conquerors. Also, if they express any dissent they'll probably have an "accident". In modern Russia, a person can fall out of a window when they're in a tent on the ground. Or maybe the whole "accident" thing will be dispensed with and they'll be beaten to death with a hammer. Openly. On video. For some people to watch with joy.

Many of the Russians invading Ukraine are conscripts. Stripped of their freedom. Enslaved. Forced to fight in a war not of their choosing. Probably to live in vile conditions for a short while and then die because their masters don't even care enough to equip them for survival. While some random strangers to them gain pleasure from their deaths.

Most importantly of all, gaining pleasure from watching snuff videos is about the watcher, not the watched. Killing people is sometimes justified. But it should never be a source of joy. That's totally messed up, just plain wrong in the head.

This comes up every few months.

I remembered a post from angilion which I thought pretty much summed this up. Here it is.
We back to the fake Moral righteousness again today. Every Russian soldier had a choice, they might have ALL been rubbish choices, but if they are active combatants then they probably picked the worst one. there are No innocent Russians here. the only people without a choice are the Ukrainians, they either fight or die as a free nation.

We get it, the guys on "your side" are dying, and you're sad about it.
Its probably more to do with Wagner being a threat rather than Putin.

Whilst Prigozhin might be down he wont be out.

I'm sure we all know he is far to powerful to write off

That's got nothing to do with Kadyrov though... there's is a wider threat there.
We get it, the guys on "your side" are dying, and you're sad about it.

My side? That's a pathetic response- like you're doing a lot to help, by watching videos of people dying.

I'm not upset that Russian soldiers are dying. They're in a war, and that's going to happen, and has to happen so they get kicked out.

I do think that getting all sweaty and excited about snuff videos is not a good look.
Yeah, don't think I'd be sat there taking photos. Looks like the shaped charge might be dead, but that secondary warhead looks pretty much intact....

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My side? That's a pathetic response- like you're doing a lot to help, by watching videos of people dying.

I'm not upset that Russian soldiers are dying. They're in a war, and that's going to happen, and has to happen so they get kicked out.

I do think that getting all sweaty and excited about snuff videos is not a good look.
I don't think you know what a Snuff video is, but your use of language betrays your bias. and that's pretty pathetic.

no one's getting "sweaty and excited" but every few weeks someone who claims not to care comes in to cry and moan on their fake moral high horse that these videos exist and these events happened and how terrible anyone acknowledging them is.
I don't think you know what a Snuff video is, but your use of language betrays your bias. and that's pretty pathetic.

no one's getting "sweaty and excited" but every few weeks someone who claims not to care comes in to cry and moan on their fake moral high horse that these videos exist and these events happened and how terrible anyone acknowledging them is.
You think that questioning posters that have said they enjoy watching these clips, or find them funny, is taking a fake moral high ground?
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