Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Russians spokesperson says Russian federation losses just in the single town of Bakhmut exceed all losses in Afghanistan
Something important to note there is that that is not simply a comparison of the Russian soldiers killed in Bakhmut against the Russian soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

It is a comparison of the Russian soldiers killed in Bakhmut in ~12 months against the Russian, Armenian, Azerbaijan, Belarussian, Estonian, Georgian, Kazakhstani, Kyrgyzstani, Latvian, Lithuanian, Moldovan, Tajikistani, Turkmenistani, Ukrainian, Uzbekistani, Transnistrian, Abkhazian, South Ossetian and Artsakhi soldiers killed in Afghanistan over a NINE YEAR period.

Putin's disregard for even his own peoples lives simply defies belief...
Lets be honest, how poor and rundown must Russians be to go out and steal white goods, risking life and limb to liberate a washing machine.

I know Moscow and St Petersburg are different but the rest of Russia must live in pure poverty to not have toilets or white goods.

The ones that steal them must be from those poor areas so I suppose it shows where the cannon fodder is from.

There are still large areas of Russia which is just isolated villages living one step away from abject poverty - many of them originally clustered around massive construction, etc. projects of the USSR which collapsed leaving them with no jobs and so on.
There are still large areas of Russia which is just isolated villages living one step away from abject poverty - many of them originally clustered around massive construction, etc. projects of the USSR which collapsed leaving them with no jobs and so on.
Those in the video are still better off than the family and home from where the machine came from though right?

Meh, the whole situation is a human tradegy.
In WW2, the Germans had officers and NCOs commanding their tanks that knew what they were doing (until late war losses anyway).

And they weren’t facing precision AT weapons, smart AT submunitions delivered by 155mm shells, precision regular artillery, HIMMARs and suicide drones.

Also there wasn't the ability to co-ordinate between say the front line troops and the arty in the back anything like as well, so there was usually much more of a lag between something being seen and the arty starting to drop shells as the information would have to go from the person who spotted it, to someone with a radio who could pass it along to higher, then to the artillery units where someone would take the message, arrange to pass it on to the crews who would then fire the shell (And the same every time there was an update in targeting).

IIRC it was later in WW2 that the communications started to get more streamlined, and the likes of modern Western artillery doctrine with the ability for front line troops to directly call on dedicated support for artillery fire (without going through multiple intermediaries), and I think it was Vietnam before the squads routinely got any ability to call directly for close air support.

People forget that a lot of tactics have changed both due to the weapons, but also more simply because of the communications methods available and lessons learned. In WW2 things like radios were large, heavy things and you couldn't cram many/any onto a lot of the tanks, and wire based comms were still heavily in use by foot troops especially in defence, these days a a squaddie with a commercially available radio (let alone mobile phone if the service is working) probably has better radio capabilities than many early WW2 tanks (especially in reasonably secure comms), let alone individual soldiers.
From Twitter. Unsure if true: (Also not sure if it's a pro-Russian account so not linking directly).

"Situation southwest of Donetsk: During the last few hours #RussianArmy launched counterattack & managed to recapture some of the high (& low) positions adjacent to Staromaiorske forcing #UkrainianArmy to withdraw to the northern part of the town."
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Anything in the dailymail has to be submerged in salt for around 48 hours before consuming. Claims of WW3 etc. At this point, Russia is so depleted it would be an absolute massacre on them.

Russia says ww3 is already over and ww4 has started, so if you see daily mail or anyone talking about ww3 it's pure fake news
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