Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Its a military target, they are military there looking through the rubble. Its a legitimate target. If it had been the fire service or civilian ambulance then obviously it wouldn't be a legitimate target, not that it stops Russia doing that exact thing.

Yes, the wounded soldiers in the rubble are considered Hors de combat as are soldiers searching for survivors, they are not legitimate targets under the Geneva convention and "double taps" are war crimes when committed by either side, Russia used this tactic and it was also a war crime.
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Sure but how democratic is it to vote someone in who wants to remove democracy?

You think this guy's isolationist foreign policy is his only nutjob policy? Nope, he also believes American slavery is fake and wants to remove all Black/African American holidays and he also wants to ban anyone under the age of 30 from voting
That's literally democracy. What were the Monster Raving Looney Party policies, how many times have they stood for election?

Didn't we have Lord Buckethead bad Darth Vader as candidates last general election too.

Standing for election and being voted in are quite different. Even if you are voted in, there are plenty of checks and balances to prevent any fringe elected nutcase gaining any real kind of power. Just look at what Trump or even Obama (what I'd call polar opposites in terms of policy) were actually able to achieve within their terms.
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