Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Glad to see your prime minister doesn't share your cowardly sentiments.

The additional Leopards, CV90s and Archers will help too. Cheers.

Bro you're literally a Dad living in some quiet country village in Kent calling someone else a coward because they don't like to see humans being blown up, get a grip, you're not exactly knee deep in the trenches cleaning blood off your bayonet.
Bro you're literally a Dad living in some quiet country village in Kent calling someone else a coward because they don't like to see humans being blown up, get a grip, you're not exactly knee deep in the trenches cleaning blood off your bayonet.

Why do you support Russia's war crimes then if you care about human life?
Is that supposed to be an insult. :cry:

Ukraine doesn't need me in the trenches next to them. They just need me to support them by supporting my local politicians that give them the weapons they need to continue fighting for their freedom.

You're literally a troll working the angles. Everyone knows it, and nobody cares what you think. Probably best to start another alt account.
Russia's first mission to the moon since the early 70s looks like a failure

They are trying to land a small craft on the South Pole of the moon, but the craft has failed to enter the lunar landing orbit after a malfunction

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I'm done with this ignorance for today.

Bro you're literally a Dad living in some quiet country village in Kent calling someone else a coward because they don't like to see humans being blown up, get a grip, you're not exactly knee deep in the trenches cleaning blood off your bayonet.

Darn, it was just for one day.
You weren't talking about things happening "in the heat of battle" though. Also this historically isn't actually the case, the Brits and Germans in WW2 were actually pretty honourable towards each other, generally the Allies treated POWs with respect and the Germans did the same thing. This is why Germans deliberately surrendered to American and British forces and absolutely did not want to surrender to Russian forces. We're seeing similar now with how Russia and Ukraine are treating each other, I imagine Ukraine is behaving a little better given leaks of war crimes to Western media would give them bad PR, but both sides are realistically using torture and killing POWs. This is incidentally why we should look for a peaceful outcome rather than dragging this war out for countless years, so many young men will have been killed in horrific ways that the world will never know about.

Where did I mention surrendering troops? I said if you see a soldier get shot you will put a few more rounds in them before passing them or they go out of your sight line so they can't shoot you in the back as you pass them. If they could still be a threat to you or your side you make sure they are dead. Soldiers who have surrendered are a whole different story.

No I was talking about hitting a military target again as there are still troops there and still buildings standing. They are combatants and they could just go home if they don't want to get shelled.
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Ukraine are probably acting the way they are because western support would evaporate pretty quickly if they start going openly medieval. I have no doubt both sides are not exactly playing by the Queensbury rules, and it would be foolish to think otherwise.
Of course Ukraine are the 'good guys' in this one, so it's not very palatable to think what might be happening away from the cameras.

Ukrainians want to become part of Europe and have been on a path of reform for some time. Ukraine has come a long way in 30 years and very much holds western values. Russia has declared war on Ukrainians because of the values they hold.

I don’t think it’s fair to draw morality parallels between the Ukraine and Russia as to me no question they are two nations standing on different sides of a line.
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Bro you're literally a Dad living in some quiet country village in Kent calling someone else a coward because they don't like to see humans being blown up, get a grip, you're not exactly knee deep in the trenches cleaning blood off your bayonet.

You clearly have no insight, perception or experience of the human side of this situation, people seeing their aspirations and hopes for their children's futures stamped out, families torn apart and so on. Because I can assure you if you had you wouldn't find it amusing to post such puerile guff.
Ukrainians want to become part of Europe and have been on a path of reform for some time. Ukraine has come a long way in 30 years and very much holds western values. Russia has declared war on Ukrainians because of the values they hold.

I don’t think it’s fair to draw morality parallels between the Ukraine and Russia as to me no question they are two nations standing on different sides of a line.

I believe you mean the European Union (a political and economic union) rather than Europe (a continent) which Ukraine are already part of.
I believe you mean the European Union (a political and economic union) rather than Europe (a continent) which Ukraine are already part of.

I believe they mean to imply that Ukraine have become much more "westernized" and their desires, wants, needs, morals and other cultural things are far more inline with that of Western Europe, than that of the old Soviet Bloc.

I am inclined to agree with this, FWIW :)
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Are you seriously claiming that the UK is about to nuke Russia?
No, not preemptively, but we should be using our nukes as a deterrent (otherwise what's the point?) and not let bully Putin walk all over us. He just has to threaten us with nukes and we meekly bow down to him. Make him understand that he is in trouble if he dares use nukes against us or if he commits further crimes against humanity.

The principle of mutually assured destruction is supposed to stop him using nukes. We have the upper hand, we should understand that and start acting like it.

The more Putin senses weakness from us the more he escalates, it's very dangerous. There must be clear consequences for him for each escalatory act and that will deter him from escalating further.
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No, not preemptively, but we should be using our nukes as a deterrent (otherwise what's the point?) and not let bully Putin walk all over us. He just has to threaten us with nukes and we meekly bow down to him. Make him understand that he is in trouble if he dares use nukes against us or if he commits further crimes against humanity.

The principle of mutually assured destruction is supposed to stop him using nukes. We have the upper hand, we should understand that and start acting like it.

The more Putin senses weakness from us the more he escalates, it's very dangerous. There must be clear consequences for him for each escalatory act and that will deter him from escalating further.

The nukes are acting as a deterrent, simply by them existing and being constantly at sea in the event they need to be fired in retaliation for an attack on the UK or our allies. We don't need to explicitly threaten the use of them, Russia is fully aware of the consequences of them actually using nuclear weapons against us.
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No, not preemptively, but we should be using our nukes as a deterrent (otherwise what's the point?) and not let bully Putin walk all over us. He just has to threaten us with nukes and we meekly bow down to him. Make him understand that he is in trouble if he dares use nukes against us or if he commits further crimes against humanity.

The principle of mutually assured destruction is supposed to stop him using nukes. We have the upper hand, we should understand that and start acting like it.

The more Putin senses weakness from us the more he escalates, it's very dangerous. There must be clear consequences for him for each escalatory act and that will deter him from escalating further.

I don't think we are bowing down to Putin. I definitely think Putin would have taken more measures against us by now as well with this war if we didn't have our nuclear arsenal - we've been quite the thorn in Russia's side and IMO we are being far too complacent as to that aspect - not to say I think we shouldn't do what we are doing but we should definitely be more watchful as to a response from Russia because I think it would be arrogant and stupid to think Putin has forgotten and won't ever respond in some kind even if he might not easily be able to respond especially with the potential for NATO article 5 in play.

We need to exercise our nuclear arsenal with responsibility though, even in the case of Russia, nothing good comes of using it as a stick to beat people with if they don't agree with us.
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