Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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This seems like the same mistake Putin made:

The West won't care when I destroy Grozny.
The West won't care when I fight for Ossetia.
The West won't care when I annex Crimea.
The West won't care when I invade Ukraine.... oh.... ****

Not saying we should take the flapping of Moscow seriously every time, but we shouldn't assume there isn't any line anywhere either.

We definitely should not be intimidated, etc. by the stuff Russia/Putin is coming out with but we shouldn't just assume it is all empty promises and something to laugh at either. Putin will eventually act, if he can find a way, his hands have been somewhat tied with this situation with the realities of retaliation but that doesn't mean he has forgotten or won't ever do something. People often ignore the subtext in his speeches.

Something which might be a problem in the longer run as well is the "true believers" who've bought into all the anti-West stuff, etc. who might take it on themselves to act or deniable assets sponsored by the Russian state to act against the West - which might include supporting the likes of middle eastern terrorist organisations.

We need to be wary of asymmetric warfare and not be blindsided by Russia or China doing something we wouldn't think they'd do because it would be unthinkable or unconscionable in the rest of the world - not a great example but for instance despite the outwards appearances Russia would have no problem sending children to fight in their wars, etc.

One thing which is unlikely to happen is the use of WMDs/NBC weapons in a way which could come back on Putin/those in power in Russia, except maybe if his back was to the wall.
The Honeywell GG1320AN Digital RLG is one of the best around but it still has a wander rate of about a mile an hour (Honeywell's own figures No way will that hit a submarine after even 20 minutes of flight.

If I'm understanding it right though it is still sufficiently accurate, within the time span these missiles usually fly for, to get it into range that the seeker can do the rest even if it can't use GPS to guide it all the way.
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I used to work with a gent that did did missile terrain mapping/coding. Was fascinating.
I did test and Evaluation at AA&EE Boscombe Down. I evaluated TERPROM and the GEC equivalent. TERPROM was very impressive, so much so that the US equiped their F16 fleet with it to prevent CFIT. The GEC equivalent was crap.
If I'm understanding it right though it is still sufficiently accurate, within the time span these missiles usually fly for, to get it into range that the seeker can do the rest even if it can't use GPS to guide it all the way.
Without knowing the angle of view of the IR camera there is no way of telling: "Close to the target, the missile climbs to increase its field of view and improve penetration, matches the target stored image with its IR camera and then dives into the target."
Regarding the various Taurus types she mentions at the end and more specifically the HPM version with an EMP warhead, all of these are still only in the design/proposal phase and none are actually operational yet according to MBDA themselves (they make the missile).

There is nothing online to indicate there has been production of electronic warfare variants but some suggestion some might have been hand-built assumedly for testing, they'd be very potent for use in this war but I can't realistically see Ukraine being equipped with them any time soon.
If I'm understanding it right though it is still sufficiently accurate
I think its been proven time and time again that its sufficiently accurate under the constant pressure of Russian attempts at GPS jamming in the region. To my knowledge its frequent and common for Russia to actively and frequently attempt to jam GPS in the region. Granted I dont know the general effectiveness of Russian Jamming attempts are, though with the known GPS bands its not too difficult to think at least localised jamming efforts can be quite effective.
I think its been proven time and time again that its sufficiently accurate under the constant pressure of Russian attempts at GPS jamming in the region. To my knowledge its frequent and common for Russia to actively and frequently attempt to jam GPS in the region. Granted I dont know the general effectiveness of Russian Jamming attempts are, though with the known GPS bands its not too difficult to think at least localised jamming efforts can be quite effective.
Jamming GPS is so easy as it works at such a low signal strength. So low that it it is just as easy to "walk it off the target" and that means you can force a weapon to impact somewhere else.
While I don't know much about them I'm not convinced Taurus missiles are better than Storm Shadow/SCALP at evading air defences - on paper the geometry/size and engine should be significantly more observable on radar - though there are various things which can alter that such as coatings and geometry tricks which only the operators/designers would really know. And I've read varying different accounts as to the relative sophistication of the actual implementation of the navigation system when it comes to avoiding air defences.

What we do know so far is that Russian defences are woeful against SS/SCALP except where they've got their act together and prepared against them and even then they can be overwhelmed without having to over-commit to getting the job done.
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