Question for the armchair warriors amongst us. If it does fully kick off (like big time) between usa and Iran - would Russia realistically get involved militarily (more than just providing weapons/ aid/ intelligence)?
Reason I ask is Twitter is filled with stuff on this now and linking wider Middle East conflict with ww3 with Russia getting involved.
Whilst i suppose it is plausible and therefore worrying, I just cannot see putin being stretched even more thinly in Ukraine, to actually put his military directly against the USA in a totally new war.
I imagine the likely scenario is Russia giving Iran their ‘support’ without being proper involved and actually letting Iran hang itself solely for the Russian benefit of distracting the west/ USA from Ukraine.
Anyway, wondered what people here thought. It’s all a bit mad.
No chance Russia gets involved imo they cant fight a multi front it wouldnt be wise for them.
Although Iran better watch out old Biden had a message for them earlier in his conference could get spicy
My warning to the ayatollah was that if they continue to move against those troops, we will respond. And he should be prepared. It has nothing to do with Israel.