Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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The problem with Trump is it’s not clear he’s an honourable actor.

I think most aspects of Donald Trumps character is well understood. If the chap ever holds the office of president again and decides to stop support for Ukraine and withdraws the US from NATO, I think then we can safely add stupidity and naivety to his long list of personality flaws and cognitive dysfunctions. It’s too late for Trump to promote Russia as a competitor to China and ideals of the likes of Putler and Trump are archaic and lead to instability.
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A lot of that old Soviet manufactured equipment has been sold off Lord of War style or stored poorly, leaving it unserviceable without significant renovation.

And that’s before we get into the equipment that’s on the books, but never actually existed due to systemic corruption.

It's always worth remembering that Lord of War was actually a dramatized true story about a Ukrainian arms dealer, most of that stuff regarding the fire sales during the fall of the USSR really happened.

Also, something that some may find amusing, this is a scene from Lord of War.


The scene is shot in the Czech Republic and the tanks in the film were real, because hiring them for the day from a Czech arms dealer was cheaper than paying for CGI. But in addition to that the tanks in this scene were sold to Libya where they took part in the civil war, until most of them were purchased from Libya by the USA, sent back to the Czech Republic for refurbishment then sent to Ukraine to fight Russians.

Another comical note from the film is that the AK's in the film are actually Czech SA-Vz rifles, which are also real as they were cheaper than AK props.
Sounds like a breach by Ukrainian forces on the Bakhmut line reported to be larger then being reported by some.

Sad about Avdiivka though but hopefully Ukraine can take back the ground I read they lost it due to not having the artillery power Ukraine have only got 3k shells a day.
A lot of that old Soviet manufactured equipment has been sold off Lord of War style or stored poorly, leaving it unserviceable without significant renovation.

And that’s before we get into the equipment that’s on the books, but never actually existed due to systemic corruption.

Even with the fire sales, corruption, poor storage and maintenance there is just so much of it some stuff still works - I don't think a lot of people can conceputalise just how much the USSR and even later Russia to an extent did produce.
Sounds like a breach by Ukrainian forces on the Bakhmut line reported to be larger then being reported by some.

Sad about Avdiivka though but hopefully Ukraine can take back the ground I read they lost it due to not having the artillery power Ukraine have only got 3k shells a day.

The cost to continue the attacks toward Avdiivka will increase and make the capture of Bakhmut look easy. The Russian courts better starting upping it’s rape and murder conviction rates.
The cost to continue the attacks toward Avdiivka will increase and make the capture of Bakhmut look easy. The Russian courts better starting upping it’s rape and murder conviction rates.

Ukraine 1st tank brigade entered the fight in Avdiivka about 5 days ago so could well be about to change or at least stem the attacks there.
Sounds like a breach by Ukrainian forces on the Bakhmut line reported to be larger then being reported by some.

Sad about Avdiivka though but hopefully Ukraine can take back the ground I read they lost it due to not having the artillery power Ukraine have only got 3k shells a day.

Haven't heard of any big russian breakthrough in the area , hopefully it's not major , what source do you use out of curiosity? as X is a pain, full of middle eastern stuff spamming my feed.
Ukraine 1st tank brigade entered the fight in Avdiivka about 5 days ago so could well be about to change or at least stem the attacks there.

Yeah, definitely if the Ukrainians want to hold, but the potential to deplete Russian forces and then retake the ground is massive.
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Haven't heard of any big russian breakthrough in the area , hopefully it's not major , what source do you use out of curiosity? as X is a pain, full of middle eastern stuff spamming my feed.


Pretty much these although there more.
Damn a new video on Reddit of a Russian IFV with lots of troops on top hitting a mine as it arrives at Ukrainian trenches. Sends several Russians on top into orbit and a couple more a very unpleasant fiery death. Should have stayed back in Russia.

Probs not a good idea to hit a mine infront of some angry Ukranians in a trench aswell.
Question for the armchair warriors amongst us. If it does fully kick off (like big time) between usa and Iran - would Russia realistically get involved militarily (more than just providing weapons/ aid/ intelligence)?

Reason I ask is Twitter is filled with stuff on this now and linking wider Middle East conflict with ww3 with Russia getting involved.

Whilst i suppose it is plausible and therefore worrying, I just cannot see putin being stretched even more thinly in Ukraine, to actually put his military directly against the USA in a totally new war.

I imagine the likely scenario is Russia giving Iran their ‘support’ without being proper involved and actually letting Iran hang itself solely for the Russian benefit of distracting the west/ USA from Ukraine.

Anyway, wondered what people here thought. It’s all a bit mad.
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