Quite a biased view of events, for reference Yanukovych wasn't overthrown because he wanted closer ties to Russia, closer Russian ties to Russia was one of his election promises. He was overthrown because he refused to sign the membership deal offered by the EU (also one of his election promises) because he wanted to join the customs union of Russia/Kazakhstan/Belarus instead. Which in addition to being against what the people wanted was also proof that he was either corrupt or insane lol.So to summarise some points for you all.
Elected Ukraine president at the time wanted closer ties to Russia in 2014.
2014 protests happened, overthrowing the elected president at the time. (sponsored protests you never know?)
Ukraine imposed restrictions on Russian language with new government.
East Ukraine rightly unhappy with this and created some republics.
Minsk agreement drawn up because of the violence
EU / Nato should declare they have no interest in Ukraine joining these organisations.
U.S would not allow missiles on their door step during the Cold War. Similar issue here.
It wasn't right what happened in 2014. But you don't get to hear much of this side.
Too bad our stupid UK government and opposition and media doesn't look back more than the last year when it comes to geo politics.