Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I don't like these stats or at least the impression people get from face value - Russian losses represent (actually over 90% now) the equivalent of a pretty much total wipe of its pre-2021 ground forces (at least the long term standing numbers) - but that doesn't necessarily mean those units/equipment are the ones which have been destroyed - although there are very few units left untouched by this war now.

There was a huge amount of stuff put back into service for this war - so a big slice of those numbers depletes from "maintained" reserves or cold storage. As an illustration say the active army (all forces, not just those deployed to Ukraine) had 200 artillery guns at the start of the war and Russia has now lost 250 - they might still have 60 of those originally deployed with the active army with 110 of those 250 lost guns coming from reserves/storage either in the recent years leading up to the war or pulled out subsequently to replace losses.

The way I look at these numbers, is it means the number of men and equipment lost is equivalent to 87% of Russia's stated active duty military forces. That doesn't those are the ones lost and it also doesnt mean 87% of all Russian equipment is gone, it just means the number of the soldiers, tanks etc lost is around 87% of the total number of soldiers, tanks etc Russia said its military had ready for active duty prior to the war

And because that, this number will actually go over 100% in 2024, then we'll see article saying Russia has lost over 100% of its forces and it will be because the total number lost is higher than the active duty forces before the war began, which excludes anything in store and new conscripts
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What a stat
You can't help but wonder if they will be able to learn anything from this. Or whether they are structurally incapable of making any kind of necessary reforms and learning from their mistakes.

I wonder how many people in power in Russia were really surprised by their performance (like we were surprised). Or if anyone knew how bad things were. Is this as good as it gets under the current leadership...
You can't help but wonder if they will be able to learn anything from this. Or whether they are structurally incapable of making any kind of necessary reforms and learning from their mistakes.

I wonder how many people in power in Russia were really surprised by their performance (like we were surprised). Or if anyone knew how bad things were. Is this as good as it gets under the current leadership...

Reforms mean less money in their pockets.

Not going to happen.
Russians using a $5 million missile that's designed to shoot down $40 million aircraft to instead attack civilian apartments..
The S-300/400 systems have an alternate fire mode that lets them work as SRBMs instead of SAMs.

I believe the design intention was that due to the laws of physics you couldn't use the same parts to build a missile for an S-200 and a missile for a Scud/Tochka launcher. Which meant that say if you built 500 of each and then went to war and wiped out the enemy air force in days you had wasted a lot of resources, so the Soviets made the S-300 dual use. They're not as accurate as a Tochka/Iskander obviously, but from their POV it's free ammo.

Of course that's how the Soviet doctrine works, it doesn't mean Russia are achieving the planned results by actually following the plan and not just being dumb :P
I don't like these stats or at least the impression people get from face value - Russian losses represent (actually over 90% now) the equivalent of a pretty much total wipe of its pre-2021 ground forces (at least the long term standing numbers) - but that doesn't necessarily mean those units/equipment are the ones which have been destroyed - although there are very few units left untouched by this war now.

There was a huge amount of stuff put back into service for this war - so a big slice of those numbers depletes from "maintained" reserves or cold storage. As an illustration say the active army (all forces, not just those deployed to Ukraine) had 200 artillery guns at the start of the war and Russia has now lost 250 - they might still have 60 of those originally deployed with the active army with 110 of those 250 lost guns coming from reserves/storage either in the recent years leading up to the war or pulled out subsequently to replace losses.
It is a click bait title from daily wail. All they care to catch as many of them as they can... Anyone quoting these papers should be banned permanently imho.
I watched Kostyak on "inside russia" ytube. He mentioned that rashka has centralized their conscription with all the registers in the country. Therefore they know where to look for folk. Also, paying a rather high salaries for volunteers to go to war and they have no shortage of retards.

Also, is rashka running low on meat? Seems unlikely...
General Musk with his years of military training in tactics and doctrine speaks up. When I say years of military training I mean he played World of Tanks.

Everyone’s a general with 50:50 hindsight.

Russia would destroy Ukraine in a war of attrition that musk is arguing for.

They have little care for the value of life, they will just chuck men at the line until Ukraine runs out of manning.

The Russians main weakness is political power, losing a massive chunk of land will make them look weak, weakness would break the alliances that keep putin in power. Plus a weak Russia is an appealing target for china, china lacks a lot of minerals and energy. Taking certain parts of Russia would be very good for china.
First Musk offered advice to consultants on how to provide life support for critically ill patients. Now it’s time for field marshals to listen up…

Musk should keep his mouth shut. He needs to realise that he is influential, but is not an expert in what he talks about. While the average person can discuss such things with no consequence, because no one pays any attention, he can't because people DO pay attention to him. Ultimately, it will be the downfall of his businesses.
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God help us all, especially Ukraine.

If America is not dedicated to NATO, and it surely won't be with Trump in power, then Europe is in for a dramatic wake-up call.

Maybe for the best and about time, Europe and the UK do nothing but rely on the US for military clout.

US is certainly headed for troubled waters, possibly the worst since their inception if he gets back in.
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