Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Bingham twitter link goes to a page about russian soldiers threatening to march on the Kremlin. Couple day old news I think, sure I read it a couple of days ago.

I wouldn't put much (or any) faith into this, all talk no action.

After the Wagner guy plane went down and (quickly after the last attempted), it was blunt message to all those that may oppose Putin in Russia.
I wouldn't put much (or any) faith into this, all talk no action.

After the Wagner guy plane went down and (quickly after the last attempted), it was blunt message to all those that may oppose Putin in Russia.

It needs big numbers march on Moscow with 10 million.
I wouldn't put much (or any) faith into this, all talk no action.

After the Wagner guy plane went down and (quickly after the last attempted), it was blunt message to all those that may oppose Putin in Russia.

The only thing that stopped Wagner and Prigozhin rolling up on Moscow was Prigozhin. The Russian military just melted.

The top and bottom of this mess is about when and where we (the world) decide to fight this brutal expansion and how many lives we’re prepared to sacrifice while we’re fumbling around deciding. Putler is here until 2036 and hopefully he’s kept inside the boarders of Russia, answering to the Russian people for his barbarism.
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Dosnt seem like Twitter links are showing on the forum for some reason.

Depends who you link. Some Twitter accounts are shadow banned by Twitter and when you try to embed a post or link it won't work. I believe it's Twitter itself blocking it because I can replicate the issue on multiple different forums, OCUK is not the only one
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Video of T64 destroying T72 with direct fire on the tube
That's a T-64BV oneshotting a T-72B3

It's quite comical seeing a Russian tank that went into production after Windows 7 getting wrecked by a Ukrainian tank that went into production before Windows 1.0 xD

Granted the T-64 is a better base platform than the T-72, but still, doesn't look like Vlad's R&D funds have helped much (aside from helping execs at Uralvagonzavod fund their cocaine habit ofc).
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Depends who you link. Some Twitter accounts are shadow banned by Twitter and when you try to embed a post or link it won't work. I believe it's Twitter itself blocking it because I can replicate the issue on multiple different forums, OCUK is not the only one

They've not been working all day on here and 2 other forums I use. They seem to have just started working again though.
No March on Kremlin

What Prigozhin did only worked because he ran a PMC and was given more resources than Russian army units usually would, which allows Prigozhin to be very powerful compared to a Russian general.

That makes it difficult for Russian military figures to gain enough power to actually depose Putin and there is enough systematic place to stop the congregation and communication of people that low level soldiers will not be able to build a large group of soldiers organically with momentum. Putin's only real problem with be someone very high up trying to challenge him, someone like Shoigu because he out ranks the generals and if they listen to him he would have enough power to get rid of Putin, but that's exactly why Shoigu is in that job, Putin put someone there who is 1) a moron and 2) as loyal as a dog
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news says Ukraine is starting to plan for a new 2024 offensive using the hundreds of armoured vehicles that will be delivered in 2024 and using newer requested weapons, F16, F18 and Apache.

No one who wrote that article believes a single word in it; F-16, F-18 and Apaches supporting mobile mechanised attacks? Quote this post in 12 months, this will not have happened. Ukrainian troops do not have the willpower or energy to fight the sort of the warfare being spoken about here, the average age of a Ukrainian serviceman is now 45 on the front lines, this is dire. If the war is still going in 12 months Ukraine will not have the capacity to launch offensive operations, there just aren't replacements for the troops without permanently damaging the Ukrainian economy by sending in the remaining productive educated youth. If you're speaking about getting hardware like F-16s or Apaches, you're looking at small numbers that won't affect the overall strategy being used, they'll probably be held in reserve and employed defensively.
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Time wise is a peacetime thing - there is no real bottleneck to expediting that process considerably - if we were really under threat taking 2 years would be nonsense, even so if a situation emerged that imminently required millions of shells it isn't something which you can respond to reactively :s

Money wise the costs are going to pale compared to what the situation is going to cost Europe and even the US if Ukraine falls, I do feel like the maths has been done cynically and "they" have decided they'd rather have multiple countries bankrolling it if, probably more likely when, they find they need to substantially up their readiness due to the emerging deteriorating security situation on the edge of Europe rather than it being done out of pocket to help Ukraine :(

As above we need to move beyond that really, or there is a real risk that it comes back to bite us in the arse in the long term.
Yep, I can’t believe Europe is not shifting to a collective war footing to nip this in the pud. War on our doorstep and Europe’s leaders are already tired of it and want Ukraine to essentially give up 20% of their land in a peace deal. It’s pretty clear behind closed doors this is being discussed and heavily lobbied to Ukraine but shock of shocks they don’t seem keen on the idea (would you?).

Russia shifting to a war economy and the entire West response is essentially “meh the Spring offensive didn’t materialise and it’s getting awfully expensive”.

Europe feels like decades of peace and disastrous overseas wars in Middle East have made is quite timid and only wants to find money in an organised collective way when it’s 2008/9, sovereign debt crisis and COVID. Can we not collectively pay to centralise a sort mini war footing? Tells private enterprise that it’s not good enough, your estimate at ramping up production is not acceptable and will not be forgotten in future contracts, that maybe we’ll totally rethink how we procure these items down in future, cutting you out.

I don’t know, think outside of the (peace) box, you know, that maybe it’s war and the decisions we make or don’t could change the fabric of Europe forever.
Yep, I can’t believe Europe is not shifting to a collective war footing to nip this in the pud. War on our doorstep and Europe’s leaders are already tired of it and want Ukraine to essentially give up 20% of their land in a peace deal. It’s pretty clear behind closed doors this is being discussed and heavily lobbied to Ukraine but shock of shocks they don’t seem keen on the idea (would you?).

Russia shifting to a war economy and the entire West response is essentially “meh the Spring offensive didn’t materialise and it’s getting awfully expensive”.

Europe feels like decades of peace and disastrous overseas wars in Middle East have made is quite timid and only wants to find money in an organised collective way when it’s 2008/9, sovereign debt crisis and COVID. Can we not collectively pay to centralise a sort mini war footing? Tells private enterprise that it’s not good enough, your estimate at ramping up production is not acceptable and will not be forgotten in future contracts, that maybe we’ll totally rethink how we procure these items down in future, cutting you out.

I don’t know, think outside of the (peace) box, you know, that maybe it’s war and the decisions we make or don’t could change the fabric of Europe forever.

IMO the last 30-40 years of relative peace, stability and security in Europe have resulted in people losing sight of what it took to produce those conditions in the first place and people kind of just take it for granted those conditions will prevail without them having to do anything about it.

I just don't see Putin settling for 20% of Ukraine though - Russia has put far too much effort in the last few years into laying the groundwork for a wider offensive (including hybrid warfare as well as potentially more open warfare) - investing in the ability to cause disruption in the western parts of the West and the US and strategic efforts infrastructure and political wise in areas closer to its interests. Those aren't just being done idly or simply to promote Russian interests.
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What a loser

Absolutely true, anyone who reads or posts anything from the Telegraph really is a loser.

The truth is donating those is not a matter for the mayor of London due to legal issues. I could just imagine the uproar if those same far right newspapers were told some Tory voting pensioner didn’t get their £2000 grant, because that big bad Labour mayor decided the car should go to some filthy foreigner instead.
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