Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I know it's a joke but even if only 10% of their Navy actually works that's still nearly fifty warships, their Navy shouldn't be written off simply because it's been beyond useless in a conflict with an enemy who has no Navy.

I think the Black Sea fleet is doomed while Russia is at war. The Ukrainians will sink all of it eventually. Obviously the black fleet makes up a small part of Russias total navy.
Sadly, Storm Shadow can only hit fixed positions, it was never meant as an anti-ship missile, so lacks the necessary radar/IR seeker that it would need to hit a ship at sea. Ukraine’s had their success against ships that were either in port, or on the Rostov-on-Don submarine’s case, in dry dock.

The Royal Navy have started receiving their sexy new Kongsberg NSM’s that are replacing Harpoons on the Type 45’s and remaining Type 23’s though.

It can do optical target matching once it reaches the destination coordinates - won't help if the target has significantly moved or under full ahead conditions or whatever, but easily capable of hitting loitering, slow moving ships and potentially even ships at cruise speed if you get clever with the intercept.

There are some suggestions Ukraine has a reduced capability variant which can only target pre-fixed coordinates though.
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Doesn't have to be on a truck chassis, the gun emplacement can be fixed into position, say on a hill or building etc and is small enough to fit on a truck.
There's two interesting points with this.

Firstly, those North Korean SRMs are based on reverse engineered Soviet Scud missiles which Russia gave to NK, and the Iranian ones are based on reverse engineered North Korean missiles based on reverse engineered Soviet Scud missiles.

Secondly, Ukraine used to produce these missiles and had a stockpile of several hundred, until the Obama administration coerced them into scrapping them and dismantling their production infrastructure, so they could score points with Putin. That decision aged well on both sides :(

According to Iranian sources, the Zolfaghar missile has a length of 10.3m, a diameter of 0.68m, and a launch weight of 4615kg with a warhead weighing 590kg that is designed to separate in midcourse phase, making it more difficult to detect, track and intercept than unibody missiles like the 9K720 Iskander.[5
Source: wikipedia.

Putin is selecting a cheaper, more stealthy missile. Longer range but 100M accuracy it’s large target/area weapon.
Russian cruise missiles now come with flares

Videos up online show Russian missiles produced in the last 2 months come with flare canisters built in that shoot out as it gets closer to the target to throw off heat seeking interceptors like manpads, doesn't do anything to stop Gepard and western anti air missiles
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