Totally acceptable if we invade and commit atrocious acts. That's what I learnt today.
Totally acceptable if we invade and commit atrocious acts. That's what I learnt today.
Post 81,202?
Whether it's "They started it" or "They're doing it more" is moot. You're arguing semantics even though it doesn't change the meaning of the post; we should try to do better, or we're simply vermin waving a different flag.
I'm also not "obsessing" about misquotes. I asked you to clarify, since your response made no sense. Instead of trying to do so, you've now gone off on one about it. Reminds me of the arguments my 3 and 11 year old have with each other
One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. Propaganda will make Brits ( any enemy) sub human if China wants its people to think it's .Fixed.
Started it is not the same as doing it in reply, I was simply pointing out that Efour is posting about one angle whilst ignoring the other one that exists.
In the face of someone like Russia attacking us, would we sit back and engage them in polite warfare? pistols at dawn? I doubt it. People would be angry and not acting rationally at all times.
It's the oldest, first step in warfare, dehumanise your enemy so you're just killing animals, orks, fascist pigs, gooks, commies...
No.I don't know what point you are trying to make either, the best I can come up with is you want people to sympathise with Russian victims of drone grenades?
I am short of sympathy for an invading army at this point, though I would not support actually torturing them, your definition of torture wasn't correct. I do support them being removed by force.
Completely understandable and I can certainly empathise with acting irrationally in the heat of the moment. Careful and calculated dropping of multiple grenades on someone over the course of an hour is not that.
Maybe I misunderstood/read too much into the original post by @Efour, but I got the impression the guy was still alive, and they were deliberately trying to maim rather than kill straight away.
Russia infiltrates via the GRU/FSB into middling Russian criminal ultranationalist movement (Azov was somewhat connected to them except they disagreed over Ukraine's existence so split off) in Ukraine to secede because there wasn't enough desire in the populace to do it themselves. Isn't it strange we no longer see any videos about the residents of Donetsk/Luhansk celebrating their glorious revolution? I can't imagine watching fathers/brothers getting hauled off to go mine hunting was particularly enticing for them or that all their children were stolen from them.
Maybe I misunderstood/read too much into the original post by @Efour, but I got the impression the guy was still alive, and they were deliberately trying to maim rather than kill straight away.
You're really invested in this lolThis has been the most pointless derailment of this thread in a while.
Maybe don't share your video watching experiences next time yeah?
I'm still not looking forward to a future were automated drones are scouring battlefields looking to kill wounded soldiers. Maybe they'll have to at least have a human operator authorise the kill.
No not the bigger picture. Obviously we are all on the same side.Invested in this?
You mean stopping Russia winning because the long term impact of that is very bad for all of Europe?
Then yes I am, you should probably be as well. If you're not concerned, then why are you here?
There is a lot at stake in this conflict. Russia need to be sent home without anything worth calling a victory.
Obviously we are all on the same side.
On par with one of my ramblings for sureYou may not be looking forwards to it, but its going to come.
We may heavily sensitise our version in the West, but I am afraid you can basically guarantee the "bad guys" will take and do everything they can.
Bear in mind one of the bad guys here is Russia, who will happily use cluster munitions on a supermarket.
Do you think they would NOT have hunter killers in effect if they could?
War has always evolved and is usually won by the one willing to do most bad stuff to the enemy.
At least you can say combatants have a chance, they are in an expected bad place.
Not so much for the civilians caught up. I mean here now in Ukraine, but also in history.