Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Putin kept Carlson waiting for 2 solid hours. :D

I remember when Reagan was elected he was laughed at for being an actor.

Was he? I don't remember that. He'd already served 2 terms as governor of California, so it wasn't as if he had no political experience. People began laughing at Regan when he started behaviour rather oddly as POTUS. He had Alzheimer's, but his administration kept it quiet until he was safely out of office, and he finally admitted it as a private citizen.
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OMG I must be thick, because I’ve only just clicked what the confusion is. To Vladolf Putler time works on a completely different scale. What seems like two years for the rest of humanity, passes in only 3 days for Putin.

To Vladimir Putin, the 13th century was only like 5 years ago and the collapse of the USSR happened in a few seconds. Vladolf clearly missed the Baltic states declarations of independence.

Vladimir Putin is like 18,000 years old so of course he’s a barbarous tyrant confused by the modern world.
We need to see what caused the delay with the POW before going all doom and gloom, she was meant to be in maintenance period now, I think they done well getting her ready in the time they did.
Same with Zelensky and being a comedian, they aren't laughing at him now! ;)
He was definitely the right person at the right time. A politician would have taken the USA's offer of extraction, luckily his balls couldn't fit in the chopper so he had to ask for ammo instead :P

Prince of Wales departure delayed. This is getting embarrassing now.

Aircraft carriers by country :p

USA: We seem to only have ten aircraft carriers currently, better build another one!
France: We can only afford to build one aircraft carrier, best make it real good!
UK: We can only afford to build one aircraft carrier, lets build two **** ones so we can brag we have more than France!
Italy: We still have one of these? Wait we have TWO of them!?!
Russia: Does anyone know how to service a Ukrainian aircraft carrier?
China: This Ukrainian aircraft carrier is actually pretty decent now it's been upgraded, lets clone some more!
India: This Ukrainian aircraft carrier is actually pretty decent now we've removed the Russian bits, lets design one ourselves!
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