Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I found this quite insightful
Some interesting observations but he's going off the rails at 20:00 when the subject of NATO expansion comes up. There was never any agreement for NATO not to expand eastwards, yes countries wanted to join because of Russia's aggression but what accelerated that decision was Russia's interventions in Chechnya and Georgia you can't ignore Russia's crimes and then cry foul when it's neighbours want to security shield to protect them (NATO).
Why doesn't Gary just go through the interview point by point and tell us which parts he thinks are lies? Why does he need to speak to Tucker? He can record a video and upload it to Youtube or Twitter.

For the very simple reason that if Tucker interviews him it will get far more views and there should be a rebuttal to Putin's 2 hours of propaganda.

Gary Kasparov has called for Putin to be overthrown and he left Russia, so this would hardly be someone on both sides of the war, he's very much pro-Ukraine - we have had non-stop pro-Ukraine media in the West, what would be the point of hearing more of the same? Again, Gary should make some content himself, he's got a big platform and he's a very well known person, he doesn't need Tucker Carlson to put across his views.

Imagine someone wanting a mass murdering dictator who keeps his people under his boot and invades Russia's neighbours to no longer rule his country. Why on earth would anyone want such a person to be overthrown??

It sounds like you don't want Putin's propaganda to be called into question and get a large audience that wouldn't normally watch Kasparov's content.
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Random fact:

The Moldavian Air Force has no offensive capability, all they operate is a handful of transport planes/helicopters. They have no navy, and their army has no tanks just 9 SPGs with a six mile range.

So on paper more than a match for Russia xD

To be fair, being landlocked, a navy would be a bit impractical for Moldova anyway.
I honestly don't think he did. I've seen segments and it did indeed go on for far longer than 10 minutes.
Roar never reads or watches the things he links, the majority of the time they contradict what he’s saying lmao.

He just regurgitates his talking points which we all know as they are verbatim stuff we see elsewhere.

Quite interesting assessment on Russias actual gearing up for war type production

I think the article underplays it a bit, but it is odd how glacially slowly Russia is turning to military production, dunno if Putin/those at the top are just that out of touch with what is going on vs what they are being told, they are relying on what they can scrape together from storage to see them through, think what they can source from foreign partners will be enough, relying on Trump to weaken Ukraine's hand sufficiently and/or the West losing interest, struggling with the economic side of it (I don't think it is that bad though) or what, or maybe a mixture.

Russia has significantly increased military helicopter production (AFAIK actual production), missile production is up quite a bit from pre-war, series production is about to commence on new armoured fighting vehicles and new rifles, Putin has been pushing through re-nationalisation of strategic industry. So things are moving but slowly. They've also likely stockpiled a certain amount of materials in recent years.
Gary Kasparov has called for Putin to be overthrown and he left Russia, so this would hardly be someone on both sides of the war, he's very much pro-Ukraine
Boys I think we may have a solution here, somebody get Vlad and Zelenskyy on the phone!

Kasparov is vehemently anti-Putin, Karpov is vehemently pro-Putin. The two greatest chess masters and the greatest rivalry in chess history on opposite sides of this war.

Live on PPV, for the first time since 1990, it's Russia vs the USSR (yes that is actually how it was presented in 1990), Kasparov vs Karpov, one last time live in Kiev to decide the winner of the war/special operation (delete as appropriate)!
Gary Kasparov has called for Putin to be overthrown and he left Russia, so this would hardly be someone on both sides of the war, he's very much pro-Ukraine - we have had non-stop pro-Ukraine media in the West, what would be the point of hearing more of the same? Again, Gary should make some content himself, he's got a big platform and he's a very well known person, he doesn't need Tucker Carlson to put across his views.

You see the world from a very strange perspective. It’s a question of right and wrong, not blindly picking or being pro one group over another.
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You see the world from a very strange perspective. It’s a question of right and wrong, not blindly picking or being pro one group over another.

I think people wanted to hear Putins reasons for the invasion and his version of events, not just another person telling us that Russia/Putin is bad. That would seem to be the case given the interview has some 200m views.

What most of you don't realise is that a lot of people simply aren't pro Russia or Ukraine, they just see interest rates, energy prices, food prices etc all have gone up since the war and want them to go down again. They probably also think that war is bad, thousands dying is bad, and think more should be done to bring an end to the war than continue with the status quo, because clearly Russia aren't suffering some massive defeat anytime soon. I'd love if they were because it would mean my objective of the war ending coming true. Conversely I know that Russia conquering Ukraine would be extremely bad, I do not want to see that, but Ukraine losing some land that was largely Russian speaking people anyway? I don't really think that's the end of the world, honestly, and I think that's inevitable anyway at this point, unfortunately.
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What most of you don't realise is that a lot of people simply aren't pro Russia or Ukraine, they just see interest rates, energy prices, food prices etc all have gone up since the war and want them to go down again.
No, I'm pretty sure most people are pro Ukraine in this argument. I see a number of Ukraine flags and Ukraine cafes etc. about, but very few (I'd say none) with Russian flags out.

Sure, they see interest rates, food prices etc go up and that is bad (very difficult indeed in some cases), but I am not seeing people turning against Ukraine. If it was an unjust defence, opinion would have turned.

Ukraine losing "some land that was largely Russian speaking anyway" is incredibly disrespectful of the situation. They're not losing land, they're losing people. People are losing lives. It's not the end of the world? It is for them.

The tucker interview getting 200m views is an indicator of his reach, and the build up it gets. What I don't see is loads of people coming out saying Putin had a point. He is widely ridiculed.

I don't dislike contrary posts as a rule, I think that devil's advocate is a very important role in a big discussion. Some of the points that you are trying to make are just factually, morally and intellectually incomplete at best though.
I think people wanted to hear Putins reasons for the invasion and his version of events, not just another person telling us that Russia/Putin is bad. That would seem to be the case given the interview has some 200m views.

What most of you don't realise is that a lot of people simply aren't pro Russia or Ukraine, they just see interest rates, energy prices, food prices etc all have gone up since the war and want them to go down again. They probably also think that war is bad, thousands dying is bad, and think more should be done to bring an end to the war than continue with the status quo, because clearly Russia aren't suffering some massive defeat anytime soon. I'd love if they were because it would mean my objective of the war ending coming true. Conversely I know that Russia conquering Ukraine would be extremely bad, I do not want to see that, but Ukraine losing some land that was largely Russian speaking people anyway? I don't really think that's the end of the world, honestly, and I think that's inevitable anyway at this point, unfortunately.

So what is your take on Trump? someone who recently told Europe "pay up or I'll sic Russia on you"...

but Ukraine losing some land that was largely Russian speaking people anyway?

Have we not moved beyond this pitiful take yet? Russian speaking does not equate to being pro-Russia... the only place in Ukraine that had any real Russian leaning was Crimea, and even in places like Severodonetsk where around 50% of the population decided to throw their lot in with Russia rather than evacuate, had a sudden change of heart after it became a reality :s (and in the oblast as a whole less than a quarter were pro-Russian before the 2014 invasion).

but Ukraine losing some land that was largely Russian speaking people anyway? I don't really think that's the end of the world, honestly, and I think that's inevitable anyway at this point, unfortunately.

Also if you actually watched the interview Putin spent 2 hours making a case for why Ukraine doesn't actually exist and they are just taking back what is actually Russia and that ultimately he doesn't think anyone can stop him... in any notions this could be settled by giving up a part of Ukraine is purely a fantasy.
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The tucker interview getting 200m views is an indicator of his reach, and the build up it gets. What I don't see is loads of people coming out saying Putin had a point. He is widely ridiculed.

I think a lot of people were generally curious as to whether Putin would say anything new, while some of us here have followed his statements, etc. the average person has likely not seen more than odd snippets on the news. The general take fortunately seems to be most people finding Putin's justifications a ridiculous pretext for invading.
The general take fortunately seems to be most people finding Putin's justifications a ridiculous pretext for invading.
This is what I was trying to get at. If he gave a justification or explanation that made sense (ridiculous as that sounds) it would have been interesting to see the reaction or defense. But there isn't one as far as I can tell.
This is what I was trying to get at. If he gave a justification or explanation that made sense (ridiculous as that sounds) it would have been interesting to see the reaction or defense. But there isn't one as far as I can tell.

I do feel that he/Russia has had a raw deal at times when it came to relationships with the US but still, but what Putin didn't tell in his interview is that in a good many of those cases the things he was acting wounded about came about because of the actions of Russia in the first place, in some cases rewriting history to try and swap around the timeline. I really wish someone really knowledgable on the history of foreign affairs would do a deep dive on it because it is well beyond my depth of knowledge.

Funny thing is if he feels that threatened by the West he should just skip to WW3 because the West doesn't need to surround Russia country by country via bringing them into NATO and setting up bases, etc. the combined logistics of the US/NATO (reach, SAC, etc.) can deliver vast amount of hardware and manpower to forward staging areas in a few hours if it came to it.
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Plus he keeps telling us about all the nukes he has and how great his military is, he surely has nothing to worry about. It’s complete fantasy on Putins part.
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