Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Eh? Why would the international community lift any sanctions?

Because it secludes an entire nation that, as far as we know, is well equipped with nuclear war heads.

If their economy cripples, what other choices do they have. I'm not sure that we wouldn't lift sanctions if Russia wins this.
I am hoping he can see this is a dick move, but I fear he will feel very cornered and knows the nuke option is his only card left :(

I think this is why China haven't said anything, I feel they aren't too happy about it but if they say something like that Putin will go completely off the rails.
I'm getting a little concerned about these sanctions as well its not just Governments issuing sanctions, everyone on the planet is! We need to punish him but if we totally destroy their economy God knows how he will react, we don't want to turn the population against us either we want to give them a way out of this by turning on Putin.

There's a story about Putin that when he was a child he cornered a rat in his bedroom and tried to capture it, as a result, it attacked him, he said he learned a valuable lesson that day.
Well its interesting you are saying this a lot of Ruskie trolls and leftie types in the west that like Russia were saying that western sanctions won't work because China has Russia's back have egg on their faces all its shown is the west can crush you without even firing a bullet.
Because it secludes an entire nation that, as far as we know, is well equipped with nuclear war heads.

If their economy cripples, what other choices do they have. I'm not sure that we wouldn't lift sanctions if Russia wins this.

So the message is, wage war but you better win whatever it costs, then OK all mates again.

Does not work like that, Russia will be excluded from the vast majority of the world until leadership and direction changes.

That will take either someone in Gov or the population uprising.
They might only need to do it for a couple of years too, hopefully he'd be dead by then and someone saner will come in to try and rebuild things with the rest of the world.
I think the worrying part is, it is not guaranteed that the successor is any more sane. There is a chance of a power grab by some other insane oligarch
A large enough nuclear war will destory the climate. I wouldnt call, having a baron bit of rock on Russia for a few survivors to live on "winning".

No countries will survive a Nuclear Winter:(

Nope, it was verified years ago. May have been back in the late 80s? Basically it only takes one side to launch a full strike and that's enough, even if the other side never responds (unlikely) it would be enough to cause a global winter on an almost extinction level event. I.E Even without a bomb landing in Africa they would be finished as the loss of all northern hemisphere crops would mean zero food into Africa and they depend on foreign food aid for survival.

There are merely about 13k warheads in total. If each of these can yield ~ 50 kilotons of TNT (hypersonic / balistic missiles can't deliver something as heavy as Tsar), then the total yield is merely 650 million tones of TNT. This is just 22 eruptions of the Tonga volcano - so nothing more than a scratch to the earth. How would you create a nuclear winter with this?

There are 10k cities in the world. You can't destroy all villeges with just the existing warheads.

There's a reason for the USA and the USSR to run a nuclear arms race, because they both knew there can be a "winner" out of a nuclear war.
It cant last even if he takes Ukrain.

If Putin wins the sancions stay in place, Russia will have no choice but to pull out, how we get there is a different matter

They will wqake up tomorrow with a currency that no one wants so they will need to pay for anything in gold or oil.

Thats a limited market, China and India. North Korea can't feed their own people so they can't help.
Because it secludes an entire nation that, as far as we know, is well equipped with nuclear war heads.

If their economy cripples, what other choices do they have. I'm not sure that we wouldn't lift sanctions if Russia wins this.
We wouldn't the sanction are here to stay its there own fault for invading a sovereign country Putin started this confrontation with the west.
Rather surprised by this but TASS, Russian news agency , is REPORTING the following number of Russian losses, which are rather aligned with those reported by #Ukraine
#Russia is experiencing brutal losses, never seen before

В Минобороны сообщили о российских потерях в ходе специальной военной операции - Армия и ОПК - ТАСС (


Can you link to that exact image in the website?
It cant last even if he takes Ukrain.

If Putin wins the sancions stay in place, Russia will have no choice but to pull out, how we get there is a different matter

They will wqake up tomorrow with a currency that no one wants so they will need to pay for anything in gold or oil.

Thats a limited market, China and India. North Korea can't feed their own people so they can't help.
Ruskies will have to learn that they are not a super power they are a third world country with first world weapons about time they got it through their thick heads.
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