Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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3 Dec 2008
I am hoping he can see this is a dick move, but I fear he will feel very cornered and knows the nuke option is his only card left :(

I really doubt he will follow through with any Nuclear options, he knows too well that the moment the first missile is detected thats game over for Russia, he knows that the US and any NATO allies with Nuclear capabilities already have co-ordinates of every major city, military base, port in Russia, he loves his country too much to lose it all just for Ukraine, well for anything. Its why none of the big players in the world have ever pressed the button. Back in the 40s the US dropped the two A bombs and it opened their eyes to the destructive power, crazy that today those bombs are nothing in comparison to what we have now. Unless someone truly bonkers comes along who has nothing to gain or lose from setting a nuke off then I can only see them being a deterrant and not a weapon to use.
28 Mar 2018
I bet the Chinese have egged the Russians on to start this conflict and are sitting back now laughing their heads off Russia is so weak economically that the Chinese will just take advantage of them and get loads of cheap oil and gas.
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