Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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26 May 2009
Do two wrongs make a right?
I think the key difference is that Ukraine attacked some military targets and a couple of drones missed and hit civilian targets which they will no doubt be unhappy/sad about. Russia on the other hand attacked some civilian targets and hit some civilian targets, something they will no doubt be very pleased/happy about.
25 Sep 2009
Billericay, UK
Do two wrongs make a right?

Surprised they don't focus more on just killing the source of the problem eg a missile up putins ass instead of responding with civilian deaths.
Think of it more like Israel bombing areas of Gaza where Hamas fire rockets towards civilian areas in Israel. Russia has a lot of S300/S400 launchers in and around Belgorod which are used in ground attacks inside of Ukraine, Ukraine in turn are allowed to strike back at those targets. If Russian was concerned about people getting killed as a result they shouldn't be hiding military weapons in that city. Of course if anyone thinks it's not ok for Israel or Ukraine to go after these terrorists in such a way because it results in Civilian deaths I understand but keep in mind being passive only results in more aggression.

There are now videos coming out showing dead Russian civilians, probably the first Russian civilian deaths on Russian soil of war.
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27 Aug 2019
I mean the West has done nothing but tell Ukraine not to strike Russia

I'm sure they are thinking why not, we the West are drying up our support ,yet still expect Ukraine to listen to us.

About time they got a dose of their own medicine.
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10 Jan 2006
I mean the West has done nothing but tell Ukraine not to strike Russia
I dont have any quotes or such, but I'm under the impression they have just been stipulated not to use western supplied weapons to strike within Russian borders. I dont remember hearing any calls to not strike Russia full stop. Besides they are under absolutely no obligations when it comes to their own developed weapon systems.
2 Jul 2008
Near London
To be honest, if weapons and aid dry up, and Ukraines back is against the wall, they may think what the hell and launch all manner of weapons on Russia. Will certainly give the west something to think about.
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28 May 2007
I dont have any quotes or such, but I'm under the impression they have just been stipulated not to use western supplied weapons to strike within Russian borders. I dont remember hearing any calls to not strike Russia full stop. Besides they are under absolutely no obligations when it comes to their own developed weapon systems.

Indeed, the Ukrainians have the right to protect themselves. The supplied weapons come with stipulations, but the Ukraine can use its own weapons as it sees fit.
10 Jan 2006
Request denied.
:confused: BBC reports meeting is being held at 2100GMT, granted the source it Russia...

UN Security Council meeting to take place later today, Russia says​

As we reported earlier, Russia has requested a meeting of the UN Security Council in the light of events in Belgorod.
Now, Russian news agency TASS is quoting the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN as saying that the meeting will take place at 21:00 GMT.
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28 May 2007
:confused: BBC reports meeting is being held at 2100GMT, granted the source it Russia...

The UN shouldn’t be humouring complaints of unfair resistance to terrorism. Lavrov grandstanding in an attempt to show the Kremlin cares about its people caught up in this war is beyond pathetic at this stage.
10 Jan 2006
The UN shouldn’t be humouring complaints of unfair resistance to terrorism. Lavrov grandstanding in an attempt to show the Kremlin cares about its people caught up in this war is beyond pathetic at this stage.
Oh I agree, it makes even more of a farce that is the UNSC than it already is. Nothing will happen, Russia will say its piece, nobody will care, tiny violins will play and everybody goes about their business as they were before.

I'd imagine it comes down to a matter of convention and rules. No doubt as a permanent member of the UNSC, if they call for a meeting then the appropriate people must attend.
At a guess, I'd imagine the highlighted is what is happening.

Provisional Rules of Procedure (S/96/Rev.7)​

Chapter I: Meetings​

Rule 1​

Meetings of the Security Council shall, with the exception of the periodic meetings referred to in rule 4, be held at the call of the President at any time he deems necessary, but the interval between meetings shall not exceed fourteen days.

Rule 2​

The President shall call a meeting of the Security Council at the request of any member of the Security Council.

Rule 3​

The President shall call a meeting of the Security Council if a dispute or situation is brought to the attention of the Security Council under Article 35 or under Article I I (3) of the Charter, or if the General Assembly makes recommendations or refers any question to the Security Council under Article 11 (2), or if the Secretary-General brings to the attention of the Security Council any matter under Article 99.

Rule 4​

Periodic meetings of the Security Council called for in Article 28 (2) of the Charter shall be held twice a year, at such times as the Security Council may decide.

Rule 5​

Meetings of the Security Council shall normally be held at the seat of the United Nations.
Any member of the Security-Council or the Secretary-General may propose that the Security Council should meet at another place. Should the Security Council accept any such proposal, it shall decide upon the place and the period during which the Council shall meet at such place.
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21 Oct 2012
London/S Korea
Russians only respect force.

I don't blame the Ukrainians for having enough and making the Russian serfs now suffer and make them realise they are in a real war with real consequences.

After all, these are home grown drones, not Atacms.
NATO and especially the US can't say **** how they use these.

They should swarm Putin's Sochi palace or hit the elites in their Moscow high-rises.
I’m surprised also they haven’t gone for more significant locations.
18 Mar 2008
I can't agree with Ukraine hitting civilian targets. I do understand why they want to though.
Kremlin using their civilians as human shields ala Hamas, all above board in Pentagontown. Additionally it's obviously Russian anti-air as per their own explanation for deaths in Ukraine.

What the US should now be ******** itself over is that Ukraine will no longer listen to advice begging not to target Putin himself, doubt Ukraine cares to listen anymore though.
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27 Aug 2019
I dont have any quotes or such, but I'm under the impression they have just been stipulated not to use western supplied weapons to strike within Russian borders. I dont remember hearing any calls to not strike Russia full stop. Besides they are under absolutely no obligations when it comes to their own developed weapon systems.

When they launched strikes across the border with troops they made sure to point out they were Russians and not Ukrainian moving into Russian territory.
Is that NATO pressure? Not sure.

With how quickly they moved into regions they could I guess have reinforced these with extra Ukrainian troops tanks etc etc ?

But yes they do launch their own developed missile systems.

Yet we continue to allow Russia to use NATO airspace the freedom of launching it's strikes through, even if it's by mistake... allegedly.

We need to stop been scared, that's why Ukraine is still fighting Russia, they would have had them out by now of we grew some balls at the beginning.
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