Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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17 Jan 2016
It's interesting that we attack the government 24/7 accusing them of being corrupt bad people. But in a time of war we're expected to assume our government is above board, totally honest, and beyond criticism.
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29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Absolute state of this.

Carlson just sits there drinking it up like free beer.

It's interesting that we attack the government 24/7 accusing them of being corrupt bad people. But in a time of war we're expected to assume our government is above board, totally honest, and beyond criticism.

Just come out and say what you mean. Vagueposting doesn't advance the discussion.
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28 May 2007
It's interesting that we attack the government 24/7 accusing them of being corrupt bad people. But in a time of war we're expected to assume our government is above board, totally honest, and beyond criticism.

Do we do that? What war are you referring too BTW?
28 May 2007
Absolute state of this.

Carlson just sits there drinking it up like free beer.

Just come out and say what you mean. Vagueposting doesn't advance the discussion.

Wow, and from a man desperate to rule the Ukrainian people! With help from the west no less!

Yeah, those dam Poles forcing Hitler and Nazi’s to bend to their will again.

Life within Russia must be like some horrific mix of the Muppet Show and the Twilight Zone…
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10 Jan 2006
Good summary here for anyone that doesn't want to waste 2 hours of their life
Cheers, I have neither the time nor inclination to watch that gutter level "interview". I'd be much more inclined to watch it, if it had been conducted by a more reputable host. Even then though I fully suspect all questions would be fully scripted/vetted regardless of host/interviewer.
As others have said vatniks will lap that up with joy.
17 Jan 2016
Do we do that? What war are you referring too BTW?
I see Boris gets a mention for scuppering the deal. I remember when that happened as Boris did one of his blustering interviews dismissing the deal.

Most people don't have a critical mind when it comes to war. I remember being in the US just after 9/11 and they were all gung-ho to bomb Iraq, even though it was already clear Iraq/Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.

The dodgy dossier that Blair and Campbell put forward about weapons of mass destruction. A total lie, and both of them are still promoted in the media.
28 May 2007
He wouldn't of been allowed into Russia if that was even remotely possible lol...

Whole thing is a farce to further Russian interests, obviously.

All this interview* will have achieved is to convince anyone with an IQ of over 90 that Russia under the current administration cannot be trusted in the slightest and has no place in the modern world.

The world will not bend to Vladolf and his shower.
28 May 2007
I see Boris gets a mention for scuppering the deal. I remember when that happened as Boris did one of his blustering interviews dismissing the deal.

Most people don't have a critical mind when it comes to war. I remember being in the US just after 9/11 and they were all gung-ho to bomb Iraq, even though it was already clear Iraq/Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.

The dodgy dossier that Blair and Campbell put forward about weapons of mass destruction. A total lie, and both of them are still promoted in the media.

Sorry, but you seem to be conflating many issues. We hold our officials accountable as best we can. Sure, the democratic system isn’t perfect, but it’s the best the world has.
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18 Oct 2002
This interview also goes to show that Putins propaganda is working among a significant portion of the US population (and some in the UK obviously). It's what he does, he soes doubt and division. And Tucker is a pawn in his game (surely making tons of money in the process despite leaving Fox).
Right wing Americans really have a lot to answer for these days.. they really are twisting democracy and world norms, yet they accuse every one else of doing it.

And just like Trump the more lies you say, the more you make accepted history doubtful, the more you tell people something isn't true when it's beyond doubt it is.. the more people doubt it. It's psychological - Putin learned in in the KGB, Trump learned it from Putin / is just the personality he is.

Dangerous times.
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10 May 2012
I see Boris gets a mention for scuppering the deal. I remember when that happened as Boris did one of his blustering interviews dismissing the deal.

Most people don't have a critical mind when it comes to war. I remember being in the US just after 9/11 and they were all gung-ho to bomb Iraq, even though it was already clear Iraq/Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.

The dodgy dossier that Blair and Campbell put forward about weapons of mass destruction. A total lie, and both of them are still promoted in the media.

Boris Johnson scuppering the deal wasn't mentioned a single time in the BBC article that was linked.
14 Feb 2004
Peoples Republic of Histonia, Cambridge
That was against war in general. At the time they still thought that Iraq had WMD, and that Iraq was responsible. Because that was the lie being fed.

Who is they? Most US allies didn't join the invasion because they didn't think the WMD threat was genuine. Most of the UK anti-war movement thought the same.

Besides, why does it matter why the disagreed with the war. Your statement is false regardless.

There are countless other examples.

Part of the Putin doctrine is to start wars the west will get tired of, because western politicians are (thankfully) answerable to the public in ways dictators aren't.
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28 May 2007
This interview also goes to show that Putins propaganda is working among a significant portion of the US population (and some in the UK obviously). It's what he does, he soes doubt and division. And Tucker is a pawn in his game (surely making tons of money in the process despite leaving Fox).
Right wing Americans really have a lot to answer for these days.. they really are twisting democracy and world norms, yet they accuse every one else of doing it.

I see the situation as a small group using the war as a political tool to fight for a lost cause. If anything, it’s what’s happening in the US that’s influencing Kremlin to keep fighting for its lost cause.

Unfortunately for both sides, it’s also drawing a great deal of attention to both problems. If support for Ukraine went to a people’s vote I have zero doubt what the result would be.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Then if that's the case then I respectfully say your argument is moronic and is utter tripe. If you think difficult negotiations are not possible then you have a screw loose. This is why we have concepts of escrow, collateral, poison pills where it becomes difficult to break the terms because of force not relying on trust.

Or has there never been difficult agreements in the past. Personally I think people are so brainwashed they think in black and white like their propaganda tells them to (on both sides...) and thus shades of grey make them uncomfortable to face reality of what they will have supported dying to reach same conclusion.

I never said difficult negotiations aren't possible. Sometimes though reconciliation is simply not possible however much negotiation is attempted, sometimes trust is impossible to achieve no matter the mechanisms attempted.
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